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Matthew E

Jan 24, 2017
United States

I have decided to make a skript addon I'm looking for new suggestions!

please post suggestions


[AtherialSK] %player%['s] (ping|ms)
[AtherialSK] [force] respawn %player%

[AtherialSK] spawner spawn mob
[AtherialSK] set spawner['s] (delay|cooldown) to %number%

[AtherialSK] run %function% async
[AtherialSK] run %function% sync

[AtherialSK] new redis connection host %ipAddress% with port %port% with password %text% with timeout %number% with async %boolean%
[AtherialSK] close redis connection %redisconnection%
[AtherialSK] %redisconnection% is connected

[AtherialSK] run (sh|shell)[script] %file%
[AtherialSK] run (batch|bat)[script] %file%

[AtherialSK] (cf|create file) %text%
[AtherialSK] (rm|remove file|df|delete file) %text%
[AtherialSK] (rf|read file) %text% [line %number%]
[AtherialSK] (wf|write file) %text% to [begin[ning]] [of] [the] [file] %text%
[AtherialSK] (cf|clone file) %text% as %text%

[AtherialSK] calculate %text%['s] island level
[AtherialSK] %text%['s] home location
[AtherialSK] %text%['s] island level
[AtherialSK] spawn location
[AtherialSK] %text%['s] team leader
[AtherialSK] %text% has island
[AtherialSK] %text% is at spawn
[AtherialSK] %text% is in team
[AtherialSK] %text%['s] team members
[AtherialSK] island warp owner [of] %location%
[AtherialSK] %text%'s island warp sign
[AtherialSK] set %text%'s island level to %number%
[AtherialSK] set unbreakable %itemstack%
[AtherialSK] set %player%['s] display skin to %text%['s]

[AtherialSK] set server hover message to %text%

Pterodactyl API
[AtherialSK] new admin pterodactyl api %url% %apikey%
[AtherialSK] send command to server %server_id% %command% %user pterodactyl api%

[AtherialSK] new user pterodactyl api %url% %apikey%

[AtherialSK] status of %text%
[AtherialSK] playercount of %text%
[AtherialSK] max player count of %text%
[AtherialSK] send message %text% to %text% [as (op|player|text)]

LuckPerms (In Concept)
[MattSK] add group %text% (with[out])

[AtherialSK] remove group %text%
[AtherialSK] set group(s) of %player% to %text%(, %text% and %text%)
[AtherialSK] remove group %text% of %player%
[AtherialSK] get group(s) of %player% [as %variable%]

Mojang API
[AtherialSK] minecraft name of %string%
[AtherialSK] %string%'s minecraft name

send resourcepack %url% to %player% with hash %string%
on resourcepack accept:
on resourcepack deny:
on resourcepack failed:
if %player% has the resourcepack:


[AtherialSK] placeholder[api] %placeholder%
[AtherialSK] register new placeholder[api] %placeholder%
[AtherialSK] delete placeholder[api] %placeholder%

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  1. Name: Teleport
  2. Example:
    on teleport:
        if teleport cause is plugin:
            cancel event
  3. Pattern:
    on [MattSK] [player|entity] teleport [event]
  4. Dependencies: None
10/10 for the creative name.
Any ideas for a good name :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
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Alright, seems good.
I had about 1923721 ideas a while ago that Skript was lacking, but now I forgot all of them ;-;

Whatever, I'll try to remember them and I'll post here.
Alright, seems good.
I had about 1923721 ideas a while ago that Skript was lacking, but now I forgot all of them ;-;

Whatever, I'll try to remember them and I'll post here.
[doublepost=1485545332,1485544298][/doublepost]Added up coming features to Progress
[MattSK] %player%['s] (ping|ms)
Already in Umbaska 2 but I'm still waiting for this in Umb 3 haha.
  • [MattSK] spawner spawn mob
  • [MattSK] set spawner['s] (delay|cooldown) to %number%
Already in Umb 2, not in Umb 3 yet and AFAIK TuSKe has some support too (*cough* @Tuke_Nuke *cough*)

[MattSK] [force] respawn %player%
Welp, a lot of addon have this.
  • [MattSK] set {_thread} to create new fixed thread %number%
  • [MattSK] set {_thread} to create new thread %number%
  • [MattSK] %thread% submit %function%
Interesing, what does this expressions will do?
Already in Umbaska 2 but I'm still waiting for this in Umb 3 haha.

Already in Umb 2, not in Umb 3 yet and AFAIK TuSKe has some support too (*cough* @Tuke_Nuke *cough*)

Welp, a lot of addon have this.

Interesing, what does this expressions will do?
Runs a skript function on a new thread aka async
[doublepost=1485548648,1485548318][/doublepost]Java maps

[MattSK] new (hash|concurrenthash)map with key text and value number
[MattSK] put %object% with value %object% in %map%
[MattSK] remove %object% from %map%
[MattSK] %map% contains key %object%


[MattSK] new redis connection host %ipAddress% with port %port% with password %text% with timeout %number% with async %boolean%
[MattSK] close redis connection %redisconnection%
[MattSK] %redisconnection% is connected

New Types
%ipAddress% just a ip address
%port% just a port

VPN Checker
[MattSK] %ipAddress% is %ipFlag%
[MattSK] is blacklisted %ipAddress%
[MattSK] %ipAddress% is blacklisted

[doublepost=1485549747][/doublepost]Shell script and batch

[MattSk] run (sh|shell)[script] %file%
[MattSk] run (batch|bat)[script] %file%
  • Like
Reactions: DonaldTrump
Name: File Handler
on load:
    if file "plugins/nicknames.txt" does not exist:
        create file "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        wf "Alex" to beginning of file "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        wf "Steve" to "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        set {_i} to a random number between 1 and file length
        set {name} to line {_i} of "plugins/nicknames.txt"

command /nick:
        set display name of player to {name}

(cf|create file) %string%    # Creates a file with given name at given path (if given)
(rm|remove file) %string%   # Removes a file with given name at givenpath (if given) 
(rf|read file) %string% [line %integer%]   # Reads a file with given name at given path (if given) at given line (if given)
(wf|write file) %string% to [begin[ning]] [of] [the] [file] %string%   # Writes a file with given name at given path (if given) at given position (defaults to the end)
(kf|clone file) %string% as %string%   # Creates a copy of a file at a given position (if given) with a given name

Dependencies: None, i guess?

The user should be able to get and set lines and file names (only get for this one).

Thanks for reading! :emoji_grinning:
Name: File Handler
on load:
    if file "plugins/nicknames.txt" does not exist:
        create file "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        wf "Alex" to beginning of file "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        wf "Steve" to "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        set {_i} to a random number between 1 and file length
        set {name} to line {_i} of "plugins/nicknames.txt"

command /nick:
        set display name of player to {name}

(cf|create file) %string%    # Creates a file with given name at given path (if given)
(rm|remove file) %string%   # Removes a file with given name at givenpath (if given)
(rf|read file) %string% [line %integer%]   # Reads a file with given name at given path (if given) at given line (if given)
(wf|write file) %string% to [begin[ning]] [of] [the] [file] %string%   # Writes a file with given name at given path (if given) at given position (defaults to the end)
(kf|clone file) %string% as %string%   # Creates a copy of a file at a given position (if given) with a given name

Dependencies: None, i guess?

The user should be able to get and set lines and file names (only get for this one).

Thanks for reading! :emoji_grinning:
Added to list

[MattSK] (cf|create file) %text% 
[MattSK] (rm|remove file|df|delete file) %text%
[MattSK] (rf|read file) %text% [line %number%] 
[MattSK] (wf|write file) %text% to [begin[ning]] [of] [the] [file] %text% 
[MattSK] (cf|clone file) %text% as %text%
What about something like skQuery's support to MySQL? As you should know, Skript's variable system is not good for many things and the SQLite/MySQL support for it is totally glitched. Pretty much everything you save there, even if the variables are deleted, is loaded again upon restart.

So you can add SQLite, MongoDB and some other database support to make Skript something 'reasonable' when storing something.

I can't suggest expressions because I don't know how to use these databases ;P
Runs a skript function on a new thread aka async
MundoSK already support async operations.

  • [MattSk] run (sh|shell)[script] %file%
  • [MattSk] run (batch|bat)[script] %file%
Name: File Handler
  • [MattSK] (cf|create file) %text%
  • [MattSK] (rm|remove file|df|delete file) %text%
  • [MattSK] (rf|read file) %text% [line %number%]
  • [MattSK] (wf|write file) %text% to [begin[ning]] [of] [the] [file] %text%
  • [MattSK] (cf|clone file) %text% as %text
SkUtilities already support everything about files.
  • [MattSK] new redis connection host %ipAddress% with port %port% with password %text% with timeout %number% with async %boolean%
  • [MattSK] close redis connection %redisconnection%
  • [MattSK] %redisconnection% is connected
RediSK is an aDeon actually and as what @ImOfflinezzz said, bunch2SK will (now it depends on what add on is released first).

Don't think I'm trying to destroy your future addon or something, but no one wants features that are already in other addon (just ask to @LimeGlass, he knows that good).
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MundoSK already support async operations.

SkUtilities already support everything about files.

RediSK is an aDeon actually and as what @ImOfflinezzz said, bunch2SK will (now it depends on what add on is released first).

Don't think I'm trying to destroy your future addon or something, but no one wants features that are already in other addon (just ask to @LimeGlass, he knows that good).
So he's adding Redis support because I am isn't that stealing ideas?
I rlly want nametags for the player
like: set nametag of %string% to %text%
or something like that :l
So he's adding Redis support because I am isn't that stealing ideas?
No, I just said it, now you're who deside if you'll add the feature or not.

I rlly want nametags for the player
like: set nametag of %string% to %text%
or something like that :l
If you're talking about the nametag above their head you can use MundoSK for that.
No, I just said it, now you're who deside if you'll add the feature or not.

If you're talking about the nametag above their head you can use MundoSK for that.
Ok, we get it. You can leave the thread.
Please add skin support, to change the durability of an item for changing the texture of the item.
I really need, and its very interesting.
set unbreakable durability of %itemstack% to %number%

I'd recommend using SkStuff for that, which has full NBT support. Example:
add "{Unbreakable:1}" to nbt of player's tool - for all nbt tags and stuff
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