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  1. S

    Help with skript and tab

    Is there anyway to hide the player from the tablist? obiously im using TAB plugin, so i was wondering if they could some how connect the two and make it impossible for them to see that im online using tab? ive already got scoreboard figured out, but i need this and also chat, pre-fill thingy...
  2. J

    Setting a player's skin, nametag, and tab priority?

    Hello! How would I set a player's nametag in skript, change their skin, or set their tablist priority? (I've already set their tab name) I am making a disguise skript and would really like some help with this :3 Skript Version: Skript 2.6.1 (dev20c) Skript Author: Matocolotoe Minecraft Version...
  3. DKPeak

    Help with SkBee & Tab complete

    Hi I'm not sure whether i have mis read something or what. But when i try to use "on tab complete:" with SkBee 1.10.2, skript doesnt recognize/understand the event. Im on paper 1.8.8 if it changes anything. Thanks bump
  4. B

    Command Tab

    Hello can someone help me? I need a script to prevent "Tab-Complete", with "/"
  5. Slaim36

    Skript On Tab Completer

    Tab completer is the command's argument completer, in a manner of speaking, obviously. In this case we can complete the /gamemode arguments using the TAB key To use the tab completer in skript, we need a script with our command, this is the mine: command /gm <gamemode>: trigger...
  6. X

    Help! (Staff Chat)

    Skript Version: 2.4.1 (I assume I don't know how to check, it says latest stable release) Skript Author: Likewise, I don't know. How do I check??? Minecraft Version: 1.16.1 Code: on chat: if player has permission "": if first character of message is "#": set...
  7. B

    How to block /<tab>?

    I want to block /tab, but my server is using 1.8, so MundoSK isn't compatible with the server. When I change my server to 1.8, Some addons can't used too. options: blocked-commands: "/bukkit", "/version" and "/plugins" on packet: if event-string is "PacketPlayInTabComplete": if...
  8. Jonathan Cohen


    Category: Tablist Name Suggested name: EnemyTab Spigot/Skript Version: Latest What I want: A proper description. Ideas for commands: None Ideas for permissions: None I hope anyone can help me with this. Best regards, Jonathan.
  9. Jonathan Cohen


    Category: Tablist Name Suggested name: EnemyTab Spigot/Skript Version: Latest What I want: A proper description. Ideas for commands: None Ideas for permissions: None I hope anyone can help me with this. Best regards, Jonathan.
  10. Jonathan Cohen

    Enemy tab colors

    Category: Tablist Name Suggested name: EnemyTab Spigot/Skript Version: Latest What I want: A proper description. Ideas for commands: None Ideas for permissions: None I hope anyone can help me with this. Best regards, Jonathan.
  11. DellCraftHD

    Nametag without Wildskript?

    Is it possible to give a player a nametag without wild script? :/
  12. illusion

    Custom tab complete in argument

    How to make a tab complete for argument 1/2? Exemple: /nick [<tab>]: send "clear, name, skin, list" to player /nick skin [<tab>]: send "name" to player sorry for bad english, i'm brazilian
  13. Aidanete

    Solved Umbaska can't understand this condition/effect

    Hello, I tried to make an advanced tab footer and didn't worked set advanced footer to "<light red><bold>You're playing currently on <yellow><bold>*****<lime>|| <indigo>Summer sale in ranks <gold><bold>50%%" for player Error: can't understand this condition effect "set advanced footer..." Skript...
  14. Runakai

    Solved Tablist Header and footer

    Hello, you should already know me. :emoji_grinning: on join: set header to "&3Bienvenue sur &6Amonia !" for player-event No errors. Does not work no errors but in console on join: set header to "&3Bienvenue sur &6Amonia !" for player Also does not work no errors. (but in console)...
  15. W

    Solved Tab completer disables all completions, no parsing errors

    My code: on tab completer for "/f": if argument at 1 is not set: add "list" to suggestions add "tp" to suggestions add "seen" to suggestions add "online" to suggestions add "add" to suggestions add "remove" to suggestions add "requests"...
  16. Duetro

    Script SkriptEnhanced 2.07

    Enhanced error output: Read the file and find the mistake ingame! Autocomplete for Skript: Autocomplete for scripts even in subdirectories! Better colors: Can be partially disabled! Backup System: Create a backup of all scripts withhin milliseconds! Update System: Check...
  17. Spartan9802

    Solved Skript command tab

    Good evening, I currently have a problem, when a player writes /sk then tab it can see all the commands create with skript... How to do this?
  18. X

    Block Tabcomplete in Skript

    Hey guys :D I've got a question for you. How can I block tab complete for /ver or /versions. With /ver [tab] you can see all plugins (I WANT TO BLOCK IT)
  19. HiiqhFive

    Script skNames | Create your own tablist groups! 1.0.000

    SKNAMES! for Skript 2.2 This system implements a way to manage your tablist prefixes/suffixes for every player. HINT: to sort your nametags, name the groups like that: a-owner b-admin c-moderator etc. DEPENDENCIES • Skript (at least version 2.2) • Skellett • skUtilities HOW TO INSTALL 1...
  20. Adrihun

    Blocking "/<tab>" in skript

    Is there a way to block the feature in Minecraft where if you type in chat "/" and then press tab. I want to disable this because people can see my plugins/commands. Also, i tried a lot of anti tab plugins, and if i try to do something like "/message <tab (to see players name)> " nothing will...