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Jul 3, 2020
Skript Version: 2.4.1 (I assume I don't know how to check, it says latest stable release)
Skript Author: Likewise, I don't know. How do I check???
Minecraft Version: 1.16.1

on chat:
    if player has permission "":
        if first character of message is "#":
            set {msg} to message
            replace all "# " with "" in {msg}
            cancel event
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has permission "":
                    send "&4[&cStaff&4] &b<%player%> &e%{msg}%" to loop-player
    else if player is op:
        if first character of message is "#":
            set {msg} to message
            replace all "# " with "" in {msg}
            cancel event
            loop all players:
                if loop-player has permission "":
                    send "&4[&cStaff&4] &b<%player%> &e%{msg}%" to loop-player

Errors on reload:
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 4: set {msg} to message')           
 [11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 5: replace all "# " with "" in {msg}')
 [11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 6: cancel event')                      
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 7: loop all players:')               
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 4 tabs (, line 8: if loop-player has permission "":')                                                         
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 5 tabs (, line 9: send "&4[&cStaff&4] &b<%player%> &e%{msg}%" to loop-player')                                         
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 12: set {msg} to message')           
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 13: replace all "# " with "" in {msg}')
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 14: cancel event')                     
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 3 tabs (, line 15: loop all players:')               
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 4 tabs (, line 16: if loop-player has permission "":')                                                        
[11:05:11 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 2 tabs, but found 5 tabs (, line 17: send "&4[&cStaff&4] &b<%player%> &e%{msg}%" to loop-player')                                                         
[11:05:12 ERROR]: Invalid use of quotes ("). If you want to use quotes in "quoted text", double them: "". (, line 3: if first character of message is "#":')                           
[11:05:12 ERROR]: Invalid use of quotes ("). If you want to use quotes in "quoted text", double them: "". (, line 11: if first character of message is "#":')

Skript addons:

Tried searching docs
Tried searching forums
You have to use "##" instead of "# ". You use hashtags to comment, so you use 2 in a row to tell it to send them in chat.
Oh thank you! I forgot that the # makes all code after it disabled so skript did not read the : at the end. But what I wanted it to do is if there was a # at the start then it would do staffchat so will it still work the same with # like double ## changes to #
Skript knows that ## in a string means just #, so I would just try it and see what happens. It should work if nothing else goes wrong.
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