Enemy tab colors

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Jul 31, 2019
Category: Tablist Name

Suggested name: EnemyTab

Spigot/Skript Version: Latest

What I want:
A proper description. https://ibb.co/ysvrhjK

Ideas for commands: None

Ideas for permissions: None

I hope anyone can help me with this. Best regards, Jonathan.
Thank you very much!
[doublepost=1566036934,1566035962][/doublepost]I have a problem with it because when I join it sets my player name color to and the other player's color to red but when I switch to the dummy player perspective then his name is also in red instead of green and the other player's name is in green. Can you make it so it's a sort of private tab color name and only you see your name in green and the other player's in red and that for each person?
loop-player's tab name can't be set to '"&c%loop-player's display name%" for player' because the latter is not a text (enemy tab.sk, line 4: set loop-player's tab name to "&c%loop-player's display name%" for player')
[18:12:49 ERROR]: the player's tab name can't be set to '"&a%player's display name%" for player' because the latter is not a text (enemy tab.sk, line 5: set player's tab name to "&a%player's display name%" for player')
  1. Pseudo code:
    on join:
        loop all players:
            if loop-player is not player:
                set loop-player's tab name to "&c%loop-player's display name%" for player
        set player's tab name to "&a%player's display name%" for player
    # do the same for teams, check if loop-player is in player's team and boom apply the color
What addon needed ?