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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. D

    block break skript

    Catergory Skript Help Spigot/Skript Version: Paper 1.20.4, Latest version of Skript What I want: I need a script that makes blocks in a specified region (named "blockbreak") instantly break and set to air as soon as a player starts mining them, without dropping any items. When I'd like it by: As...
  2. D

    Slice attack

    Hello, i tryed to make a Skript, when on attack it will shoot (Look at the Picture) and it will damage the Player of 2.5 HP (Armor or Protection will not help to get less damage) and if it hit an entity, it will damage it, but it will stil go trought them with Range of 10 blocks and no Cooldown...
  3. Logy

    Minecraft Team System

    Hey there! I am making an event and I need help setting up a simple command called /teamassign where you can assign players to a team, the command should look something like this: "/team assign <team> <player>" and then it broadcasts something like "(Player) has joined team (team name)". The...
  4. forfr

    need an auction house skript

    money var: {money::%player's uuid%} would love if it came with a sorting system :)
  5. ponduck

    How do i fix this?

    I'm new to skript and i want to make a freeze skript, this is what ive come up with: command /freeze <player>: permission: op permission message: You &4&ldon't &rhave the permissions to use this! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: set player's walk speed to 0...
  6. A

    Disabling tablist

    I have been trying to create a server where you can't tell when players are online. But I can't seem to work out how to remove all player's from the tab list. It is supposed to be based off of the Minecraft series called "Naked And Afraid" or "No Armor Hardcore" I am using 1.20.6 Skript. Thanks.
  7. K

    Hello! There was a problem with SmithItemEvent :(

    I need to make sure that the player's time is checked and if it is less than N hours, then it is executed like this (this wrong)
  8. PixelCraft_I_D_K

    Citizens only target prefix

    Hi there! I am making an SCP server and want a guard to attack only the "Class-D" prefix. ("&6Class-D &f" in Luck perms) Every code I try, it's not working. If anyone could help me, I'd appreciate it a lot! Thank you! :emoji_grin: Code: on entity target: if entity is a citizen...
  9. PixelCraft_I_D_K

    SK - Phones

    Hi there! I don't know how to continue this skript farther. Here is my idea: I'm trying to make a phone skript for an RP thing, and I want it so when the player accepts the call with an accept command, which I also need help with, they will be able to chat with the player. I'm thinking of using...
  10. SuperRcraft

    Variable Problems

    command /lootbox [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]: permission: skript.lootbox.admin trigger: if arg-1 = "create": if {lootbox::list::*} does not contain arg-2: add arg-2 to {lootbox::list::*}...
  11. M

    spawn minecart when block is clicked

    I have the line "spawn minecart at clicked block". It works properly with other minecart types, like when I replace it with "spawn minecart with chest at clicked block". When I use the spawn minecart at clicked block line, it prevents further lines from executing after, and does not spawn a...
  12. Z

    Can't understand this structure

    I'm trying to use "if size of a variable", but it isn't working Addons: Skellet, SkQuery, skRayFall, Skbee, skript-gui Code: if size of {compactors::%player's uuid%::*} is 7: send "work" to player
  13. Z

    Solved Can't understand this section: (skript-gui)

    I am having an issue where if I try run a command on click of a gui slot, it throws this error (attached below) Skript Addons: skript-gui, skRayFall, SkBee, Skellet Code: command /gui: trigger: create a gui with virtual chest named "&c&lCOMPACTOR" with 1 rows: make gui...
  14. D

    Cage Skript

    Hello, iam wondering how to make a Skript to Beacon named "Cage" It will do: On place it will create bedrock sphere around the beacon for 30 seconds, and if someone mine the beacon in less than 30 seconds, it will remove, and the beacon will not drop, and the bedrock sphere will be removed back...
  15. X

    Drop everything but armor, sword and tools

    Hello , I have tried myself coding but I am new and its pretty hard to skript things like that. Does some one have a script like that or maybe know what I have to do pls?
  16. PixelCraft_I_D_K

    Detect if player is facing a certain block

    Hi there! I need some assistance with detecting if a player is facing a certain block. Here is my code. on right click: if player is holding white dye named "&f&lDoor Open": if player is facing iron door: make player execute command "thru" else: send...
  17. G

    Help with particle skript (with skdragon)

    I have this skript: drawRings particle "redstone", RGB 80, 255, 255, center player, id "%player%", rainbowMode true, randomRotation true, animated false, radius 1, ringCount 4, ringDensity 10, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 2 It is working but idk why i cant see the particles and i have particles...
  18. J

    Clickable links in chat

    Hi, I'm trying to make a skript where i can put a url in the chat and it can be clicked. This is the code i have so far: function link(text:text) :: text: return {_text}.replaceAll("(https://[a-zA-Z0-9./]{10})", "<link:$1><##84E9FF>&n$1&r<reset>") function chatFormat(p: player): set...
  19. legendofgow

    Referral skript Error

    Hello, So i have simple skript for referral players And as you can see in parser, there is this error: Can't compare a player with 'in group "referral"' else if player is in group "referral": And skript dont send console commands upon check if player is...
  20. SirSmurfy2

    Script Skript | Custom Merchants 1.2.1

    == CUSTOM MERCHANTS == [ Required Plugins: Skript 2.8.2+, SkBee 3.4.0+, Skript-Reflect ] This Skript allows you to easily create, customize, and manage merchants. - MERCHANTS - Each merchant created allows you to set different trades Trades are saved and loaded when editing in the "Trade Editor...