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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. N1coNico

    Script Fly and Depth Limit 1.0.0

    How It Works: Height Restriction: The script checks if any player’s Y-coordinate exceeds the height limit. Teleportation: If the player is too high, they are teleported to the build limit’s Y-coordinate Flight Disabled: If the player was flying, their flight mode is disabled after teleporting...
  2. kjregtkdshtkdjrghdkjfhgrd

    Help with Boutique GUI skript

    Salut j'ai un petit soucis avec mon Skript. J'ai 6 erreurs que je n'arrive pas à résoudre. Je suis en version 1.21.1 de mon serveur. on right click with gold ingot: if name of player's tool is "&6&lBoutique": open chest with 6 row named "&8Boutique" to player format slot 10...
  3. TimeStellar

    Skript Help?

    I have a weapon level system but i dont understand why it doesnt work like when i right click (i set it so for testing) it gives xp but the max xp breaks and goes to none can anyone help? on right click with a sword: if name of player's tool is "&aLeveled Sword": set...
  4. PixelCraft_I_D_K

    Sound Overlap

    Hi there! I'm trying to make an in-game music Skript where it loops the cat disc. I calculated the exact number of minutes the disc is (im using a texture pack) and when I play it in-game it works but the sound plays over itself. I can't figure out how this happens. Here is my code: command...
  5. R

    Solved Help with vectors and armor stand generation; Entity-homing wave attack

    So I found this attack on hypixel skyblock and I really wanted to recreate it with only Skript and SkBee. I did well at first, getting some things right, but then progress just stopped moving and I couldn't figure it out. The specific help I need is to calculate the "movement/generation" of the...
  6. TimeStellar

    Solved Item id?

    i want to make a item level system but i wanna use varibles but how would i make a variable for a specific item like an id or smth like that. command /admin <text>: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is "give": give diamond sword named "&aLeveled Sword" with lore ""...
  7. Yushaa

    Help with custom SMP Skript

    I'm trying to make it so u need a specific variable to be true to be able to withdraw the invis rogue so people cant withdraw it without having the variable on their player [it'd be nice if it said an error message too but its not needed] command /withdrawrogue <text>: trigger: if...
  8. Laserlp

    Solved hide/show entities to individuel players?

    Hey! Like the title says, I wanted to ask how I can hide or show individuel entities to individuel players. What I have made so far is this: on every 5 ticks: loop all players: if {Level.%loop-player%} is more than 9: loop all text displays in radius 25 around...
  9. Equip

    Addon SkEssentials v1.1.0

    About SkEssentials SkEssentials was made to simply make your life easier for using features from SkEssentials in Skript instead of having to do it with Skript-reflect. You can put people in vanish, afk people, and more coming soon. Issues/Suggestions Found an issue with SkEssentials or want to...
  10. T

    Loop entities with nbt data

    How do i loop entities with nbt data?
  11. T

    Solved return something in function when clicked on inventory with skript-gui

    i have a function that creates a gui and when a player clicks on a item it returns something. when i want to reload my skript it says "The return statement cannot be used here"
  12. TimeStellar

    Solved command help

    i wanna make a command with like a selection given like in this image so players can just press tab and automaticly put it in?
  13. J

    Solved Autocompressor that works when in offhand

    I tried coding an autocompressor that works in offhand but i get this error: this is the code: on join: if loop-player's offhand tool is hopper minecart named "&6Autocompresser &7[&a1&7]": every 1 ticks: loop all players: if loop-player has 32 oak log...
  14. V

    Xp Bar Progression

    Hello, so I have a levelling skript in which I have {level::%player's uuid%} which is the level of the player and I also have {levelxp::%player's uuid%} which is the xp for my levels system and finally I have {levelmaxxp::%player's uuid%} which is the xp you need for next level, now I want to...
  15. Z

    How do I make an if variable is skript?

    I'm new to skript and trying to make a basic plugin to learn, I'm trying to make it so that it detects if a variable is a certain value. I've done it like this: command selectbuff: if "{%player's uuid%.gotbuff}" is set to "Selected": stop else: my code blah blah blah But...
  16. PixelCraft_I_D_K

    Block's UUID in a variable

    Hi there! I was just wondering how you'd put a block's UUID inside a variable. I'm trying to give the block data (a variable) when right clicked on by a certain item. I have to use %block's uuid%, but that's not working. If I used %player's uuid% that wouldn't work either, since only admins are...
  17. VoiderYT

    Variables that don't reset on load

    I am trying to make a skript thingy that stores a variable (in my case, a list) but when I restart the server, it resets the variable. How would I avoid that? Here is an example (not my case but just a general idea): command /sethome: trigger: set {home} to location of player...
  18. L

    Right click on a block while holding food

    I need help with a script, i am making a prison server and a part of it includes working in a kitchen. There i want a player to wash a poisonous potato in a sink. So he needs to right click with that potato on a tripwire and it will give him a normal potato. I have tried things like: on eat...
  19. Acidic


    Hey there, I am looking for some help with my skript for cooldowns. on right click: if player is holding gold ingot: set {_c} to difference between {cd::%player's uuid%} and now {_c} < 10 seconds: send "&cWait %{_c}% seconds before using again" to player...
  20. Fusezion

    Addon SkHttp 1.5

    SkHttp You need Skript 2.7.0 and up to use. This addon is just a random addon I made to support/add http/web related things. Either message me on skUnity or join my Discord (I am more active on discord) For any support or suggestions, join my Discord here! If you are instead looking for...