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  1. G

    stop if thing contains other thing

    the title is a bit confusing but I will explain. Basically I am trying to make an Infuse SMP skript and it works for the most part, just whenever I get a kill or die I can get the same effect twice, how do I prevent this. I have tried looping it but I don't know how loops work so I've had no...
  2. xCraweL

    Help for Skript

    i use Vixio add-on set the discord nickname of user with id "%arg-2%" to "%player%" with "Karamel" how to change arg-2's nickname on server with id ?
  3. R

    What is wrong with my skript?

    Trying to figure out what is wrong with my skript. on spawn: if player's world is "world": givebetaprefix(player) function givebetaprefix(p: player): run player cmd "lp user {_p} parent set beta-testers" as op gives me the Cant understand this condition
  4. C

    Solved Need help with functions

    How do I delete a thread? I fixed what was here by myself but I don't know how to remove it
  5. C


    Hello to all scripters! Do you think it will be possible to use the database with Skript? If yes, how? Thank you! (Ver 1.19)
  6. S

    Solved Worldguard Problems

    So, this is my last hope. Maybe I am too stupid, but I can't check my region. Every time I check my region, it doesn't work. I tried to check the variable with 'send "%region at player%"' but every time I do this, I get <none>. on region enter: send "%region at player%" if "%region at...
  7. M


    whenever i try to do this skript which downloads a certain file using SkUtilities command /download <text>: trigger: set {url} to arg-1 set {file} to "plugins/Skript/scripts/" skutil download file from "%{url}%" to file "plugins/Skript/scripts" if...
  8. J

    Item Exchanger Skript

    I have an item exchange skript where you trade lower tier protection stones for higher tier ones through the GUI Issue: it only detects one protection stone in my inventory, when im actually holding 2 of them. If I move them to another slot, the trade then works and it counts as 2. loop-slots...
  9. N

    compare 2 items while ignoring durability?

    im trying to compare 2 items and not compare their durabilty while doing so e.g: if {item::1} is {item::2}: send "same item!" to player however for example, if 1 of them is full durability and 1 is even slightly damaged they dont count as the same, if there is any way of avoiding this...
  10. V

    How to make a Scale(List)

    I still don't understand how to make a scale I want each player with the "magic" perm to have a mana scale, and I can describe different conditions so that this scale (Mana) can Decrease (-) and Increase (+) Separately for each player
  11. N

    Solved Skript + Plotsquared being weird

    for some reason if i use "on block place:" event it still registers the block place if someone places it on the plotsquared road or another plot. not sure if this is a normal problem but i expected it to be like worldguard for example where worldguard removes the block before it registers.
  12. V

    Solved Around saved varriable

    command /covertrack: cooldown: 1 seconds cooldown message: Ждите &c%remaining time% &fсекунд! trigger: set {b} to all blocks in radius 15 of player set {covertrack::%player%} to location of player command /inspect: cooldown: 1 seconds cooldown message: Ждите...
  13. V

    How to make permissions work?

    script options: $ use permissions every 1 seconds: loop all players: if loop-player have the scoreboard tag "Z": add "zinfection" to looped-player's permissions execute loop-player command "/zinfection" I've been trying to enable permissions for several...
  14. B

    Block compression shulker

    hi, im trying to make it so if you put 9 iron ingots in a light blue shulker box, then it removes them and places an iron block in the shulker, this is what i have so far but im getting hung up on actually getting the contents of the box on place light blue shulker box: add event-location...
  15. T

    How to Create Merchant Recipe

    Hello, I have some difficulty with adding new merchant recipes. i tried using the example of but its not working I tried using On villager acquire new trade: event-entity's villager level is 5: if event-entity is librarian: set...
  16. P

    Solved Help with counting handheld items

    so I created a skript for a button that would "clean" a brick. But here is the problem, if you are holding multiple bricks, it will only give back 1 iron ingot, is there a way to make it give back the same amount of iron ingots as the amount of bricks you were holding? can you please send me an...
  17. Radicc

    Disky permissions in a channel

    Does anybody know how to add and remove perms from a role in a channel? i search the docs and nothing works :/ My code:
  18. V

    Solved loop all player near players what have the scoreboard tag "Z":

    Stuck I want all players who were within 15 blocks of the player with the scoreboard "Z" to write a command every 15 seconds with a certain chance every 15 seconds: loop all players: if player have the scoreboard tag "Z": chance of 99%: wait 40 ticks
  19. F

    Server stops when skript loads

    Hello I when ever I put some files into skript it just dose not load them they are about 1k lines each and I have 11 skripts and they just don't load and if the server dose start up the skripts are not loaded when I try to load me they close the server... If you have any ideas on what may be...
  20. T

    mythicmob cast skill

    Hello I want to know how can I make a player cast a mythicmob skill I have skript 2.6.4 mythicmob premium 5.1.4 mmskriptaddon 0.99e and spigot 1.17.1 thanks