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  1. J

    Solved I don't know what i did wrong. Can someone help me?

    Hello! I need help with one of my Skripts i have constructed. I just began using variables but i don't know what i did wrong because it does not work. Can you help? options: {Superhand::%player%} = 1 {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} = false command /superhand <number>: trigger...
  2. K

    Solved How do i set a message with pressure plate location

    I tried broadcasting and sending a message but nothing came through There was no error message on step on pressure plate: if location of event-block is location 121, 4, -18 in world "world": message "TEST" to player cancel event I hope someone can help Script version 2.5.3...
  3. J


    command /setspawn: permission: * trigger: set {spawn} to player’s location command /spawn: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} is there anything wrong with this skript
  4. J

    empty configuration section

    i don't know what does it means and how to fix it pls help qucik if you can
  5. J

    skript for quest

    i wrote this skript and i don't have idea what key stands for triggers (it is my first skript so i don't know anything) here is script: command/quest trigger: if {%player%.quest_master}=3: message: "&equest_master coal chalange: &7mine 1000 Coal Ore"to player else: message "&eYou do not have...
  6. P

    Problems with data values

    Script Version: 2.6.1 Script Author: TPGamesNL Minecraft Version: 1.18.1 Full Code: command /testthisstuff: trigger: loop all blocks in radius 3 around player: if loop-block is wheat plant: set data value of loop-block to 2 Errors on Reload: There is no...
  7. VlogFox

    Modded items

    Script version: 2.5.3 Minecraft version: 1.12.2 command /join classic-trenches: trigger: chance of 25%: teleport player to location(363.5, 136, 4892.5) chance of 25%: teleport player to location(386.5, 136, 4915.5) chance of 25%...
  8. X

    Cant recgonise the type and cant understand Event

    Hello i have an issue with my skript and i cant fix it ive searched everywhere discord,goggle,minehut but cant find an answer btw im new to skripting this is my code: ```command /generator <integer>: aliases: /gen, /itemspawner trigger: set {wait} to arg-1 Drop(player,arg-1)...
  9. F

    Changing a mob attribute

    Wassup good sirs and ma'ams. I need to change the attribute "followRange" of a mob when it spawns. I have no idea on how to get this to work. I've tried myself but now I'm here. Open to any suggestions, thanks! :)
  10. M

    Can't figure out how to make command

    I have the first part, I just can't figure where to start with this. I'm trying to make a command that creates a new custom mineable block. We have it hardcoded currently, but a command would save a LOT of space. This is the code I have now: command /newblock [<Block>} [<Name>] [<Lore>]...
  11. A

    Offhand swap delay

    Server Version: Paper-406 (MC:1.17.1) Skript Version: 2.6 Addons: skDragon v0.17.5 skRayFall v1.9.26 SkQuery v4.1.4 I have searched and I am not looking for how to detect what is in the offhand. I want to detect an offhand swap and if it has been detected within the last 3 seconds then cancel...
  12. S

    I need help with a skript thing!

    Hey, would appreciate any help. I have been trying to use the API from a plugin called “Wildstacker” to get an amount of something called “Barrels” in a location with Skript mirror. Here is simply what I would love to get some help With a command i can look at a block(that has something...
  13. S

    Help with API Skript Mirror

    Hey, would appreciate any help. I have been trying to use the API from a plugin called “Wildstacker” to get an amount of something called “Barrels” in a location with Skript mirror. Here is simply what I would love to get some help With a command i can look at a block(that has something...
  14. I

    GUI not working

    I've been trying to make a gui for the past hour, I've used old code and nothing is working. idk if something got updated and code got changed but nothing is working. Code: command /rank [<player>]: trigger: open virtual chest with 6 rows named "&6Ranks..." to player format...
  15. N

    Help With equip effect

    I'm trying to create a Gear Upgrade script with variables. But the equip effect cant use the variable as a number for the enchant Here is the function where it equips the helmet(It's the same as all the other armor pieces) function tagkit(p: player): if {_p} has permission "vagt"...
  16. C

    I need a skript...

    I need a skript so when you break a cobweb it doesnt give you anything Sorry for bad english
  17. C

    Endersee skript

    I want an endersee skript /endersee
  18. F

    Execute console command in specific world

    Hello there! I'm having some trouble with this: execute console command "/entitydata (UUID of entity) {Attributes:[{Name:generic.followRange,Base:100}]}" But it won't let me. I tried debugging it and manually, in-game, putting in an UUID and it worked! So i figured that since there wasn't a...
  19. N

    How do I make a manage world gui per player

    I want to make a Skript gui where every players starts off where it says create server then they click it then they get teleported to a diffrent world which was just created and they can use the gui to manage that world but the gui can be different for every players and I can access everyone's...
  20. E

    Solved How to remove decimal remainder from a number

    I am creating a skript that divides a number by 3. in some cases, the number is not an integer. ex: 3333.33 How can I remove the .33? current code line: set {reb} to ({reb}/3)