Hello! I need help with one of my Skripts i have constructed. I just began using variables but i don't know what i did wrong because it does not work. Can you help?
What i would expect it would do:
[doublepost=1645696461,1645693378][/doublepost]Ah, i got it fixed
[doublepost=1645697143][/doublepost]My fixed code:
{Superhand::%player%} = 1
{SuperhandEnabled::%player%} = false
command /superhand <number>:
{Superhand::%player%} = arg-1
send action bar "&7Set Superhand radius to &a{Superhand::%player%}&7!" to player
command /superhandtoggle:
if {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} is true:
{SuperhandEnabled::%player%} = false
send action bar "&cDisabled &7superhand!" to player
{SuperhandEnabled::%player%} = true
send action bar "&aEnabled &7superhand!" to player
on leftclick:
if {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} is true:
set blocks in radius {Superhand::%player%} to air
What i would expect it would do:
With '/superhand 5' it would change the superhand radius to 5.
With '/superhandtoggle' you can toggle superhand.
I really don't know what i did wrong. Can someone help me? (btw i'm sorry if my english is not that good, that is because i'm german)With '/superhandtoggle' you can toggle superhand.
[doublepost=1645696461,1645693378][/doublepost]Ah, i got it fixed
[doublepost=1645697143][/doublepost]My fixed code:
{Superhand::%player%} = 1
{SuperhandEnabled::%player%} = false
command /superhand <number>:
permission: "snackbagsk.admin.superhand.radius"
if arg-1 is 0:
send action bar "&cDisabled &7superhand!" to player
set {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} to false
else if arg-1 is more than 15:
send action bar "&cMaximum Superhand radius is &l15&c!" to player
send action bar "&7Set Superhand radius to &a%arg-1%&7!" to player
set {Superhand::%player%} to arg-1
command /superhandtoggle:
permission: "snackbagsk.admin.superhand.toggle"
if {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} is true:
send action bar "&cDisabled &7superhand!" to player
set {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} to false
send action bar "&aEnabled &7superhand!" to player
set {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} to true
command /superhandinfo:
permission: "snackbagsk.admin.superhand.info"
send "&7Superhand Status of &a&o%player%&7:" to player
if {Superhand::%player%} is 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15:
send "&7Radius: &e&o%{Superhand::%player%}%" to player
else if {Superhand::%player%} is less than 10:
send "&7Radius: &a&o%{Superhand::%player%}%" to player
send "&7Radius: &4&o%{Superhand::%player%}%" to player
if {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} is true:
send "&7Status: &a&oEnabled" to player
send "&7Status: &c&oDisabled" to player
on break:
if {SuperhandEnabled::%player%} is true:
if player has permission "snackbagsk.admin.superhand.use":
if world is not "BwMaps" or "build" or "yt" or "snackbag" or "bedwarslobby" or "duels" or "mmistery":
set blocks in radius {Superhand::%player%} to air
send "&cYou can't use Superhand here! Use '/superhandtoggle' to disable superhand!"
cancel event