Offhand swap delay

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New Member
Feb 5, 2022
Server Version: Paper-406 (MC:1.17.1)
Skript Version: 2.6 Addons: skDragon v0.17.5 skRayFall v1.9.26 SkQuery v4.1.4

I have searched and I am not looking for how to detect what is in the offhand.
I want to detect an offhand swap and if it has been detected within the last 3 seconds then cancel event of offhand swap

on offhand move:
if repeated 3 seconds ago
cancel event​

How do i put that ^^^ inside a code thing?
this is my first post on here if i did anything wrong please tell me cause idk how this works.
on swap hand items:
    if {cooldown.swap::%player%} is not true:
        if player doesn't have permission "cooldown.bypass.swap":
            set {cooldown.swap::%player%} to true
            wait 3 seconds
            delete {cooldown.swap::%player%}
        cancel event

I really wish there was a way to detect if something has happened in the last 3 seconds, but unfortunately the best way of doing this that I can think of is by putting the cooldown of the player in a variable. For storage purposes I'm deleting the cooldown variable instead of setting it to false.
on swap hand items:
    if {cooldown.swap::%player%} is not true:
        if player doesn't have permission "cooldown.bypass.swap":
            set {cooldown.swap::%player%} to true
            wait 3 seconds
            delete {cooldown.swap::%player%}
        cancel event

I really wish there was a way to detect if something has happened in the last 3 seconds, but unfortunately the best way of doing this that I can think of is by putting the cooldown of the player in a variable. For storage purposes I'm deleting the cooldown variable instead of setting it to false.
Thx how do i do the Code (TEXT):??? im new to this stuff
Also if possible do you know how i can use time in skript so i can easily use it to do timed things as in 3 pm execute console command "broadcast EPIC" or something
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