Can't figure out how to make command

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Jan 9, 2022
I have the first part, I just can't figure where to start with this. I'm trying to make a command that creates a new custom mineable block. We have it hardcoded currently, but a command would save a LOT of space.

This is the code I have now:
command /newblock [<Block>} [<Name>] [<Lore>] [<Lore2]:
    permission: sk.staff
    if arg-1 is block:

This is the code we have hardcoded in currently.
if event-block is oak wood:
                if event-player is not holding barrier:
                    cancel event
                    set {_itemcount} to random integer between 1 and 3
                    give {_itemcount} of oak planks named "&6Oak Planks" to event-player
                    set event-block to bedrock
                    wait 1.5 seconds
                    set event-block to oak wood
We have more, but this is the general idea.
[doublepost=1644070117,1644070080][/doublepost]Mistype in the code on my part lol

if event-block is oak wood:
            if event-player is not holding barrier:
                cancel event
                set {_itemcount} to random integer between 1 and 3
                give {_itemcount} of oak planks named "&6Oak Planks" to event-player
                set event-block to bedrock
                wait 1.5 seconds
                set event-block to oak wood
I think what you mean is when you mine a block it should turn into bedrock, wait 1.5 seconds and then turn back to the original block + giving you the drops directly. If that is what you want then here is your code:

command addcustomblock <itemtype>:
        add arg-1 to {customblocks::*}
        set {_} to "%arg-1%"
        send "&aSuccessfully added %{_} in strict proper case%&a to the custom block list!"
on break:
    if {customblocks::*} contains event-block's type:
        cancel event
        set {_} to event-block's type
        give (random integer between 1 and 3) of event-block named "&6%{_} in strict proper case%" to player
        set event-block to bedrock
        wait 1.5 seconds
        set event-block to {_}

I'm sorry if this is not exactly what you wanted, but "custom mineable block" isn't going to do it for me.
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