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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. A

    How do I make it so item disappears for 45 sec after execution

    So, i'm trying to make it to where the item disappears until around 900 ticks after (45 seconds) when it comes back. on right click on player: if player is holding amethyst shard named "&c&lFire &6&lGem": make player execute command "summon fireball" So how would I make it disappear after 45...
  2. X

    Can anyone skript me a donut smp spawner skript

    I recently learnt how to skript like 1month ago i understand it but this is still way to hard for if u think u can help hit me up either post the code here or add me on discord :D ClippedByVull#7693
  3. E

    Solved Chat filter

    I am making a chat filter and don't want people to use "illegal" characters that are not "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,.<>/?;':"[]{}=+-_0987654321!@#$%^&*()`~|\" Is there a way to do this other than putting all other characters in a blacklist like this? if message...
  4. E


    Solved, Dont know how to delete!
  5. K

    Solved Is there a way to make this code more efficient?

    Hi everyone, I am very new to coding. I made a skript for fortune to work on all blocks and so that they go in the player's inventory. The skript is working fine, but I was wondering If I can make the code more efficent, more compact. I added the skript in a .txt file below thanks!
  6. K

    Solved Need Help with compacting this skript

    Hi everyone, I am really new to skript and I made a skript but I have no idea how to make it smaller. The skript I have right now is way too long and crashes the server (It works when its smaller) Can someone help me? Thanks! I put the code in a .txt file your you guys to read.
  7. M

    Doors trigger

    Hello, I would like to ask for help ❤️ I have no idea how to add to this script so that the script does not respond to all acacia doors but only to those located at coordinates 46, 64, -21, I hope someone can help me thanks! on right click on acacia door: send "OMG DOKÁZAL JSI OTEVŘÍT DVĚŘE"
  8. K

    Need help refining my Skript for gens and PvP combo

    Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to Skript and I've been working on a gens and PvP combo script for my server. However, I've been experiencing significant lag issues despite hosting the server locally on a powerful computer with 32GB of RAM and an i7-9700K processor. I would appreciate any...
  9. G

    exp multiplier

    I started this skript where if you have a certain xp multiplier it will multiply exp from mobs you kill by the number example: My xp multiplier is 3.0, I kill a zombie, it will drop the xp * 3.0. I just don't know how to do that, I spent like 2 hours trying to figure it out. (idk how to do the...
  10. M

    Solved How do i remove text above players?

    i have a skript that shows player health above players but i dont know how to remove the text with code, how can i do this? the skript: on join: while player is online: loop all players: set score "&c❤" below player to player's health for loop-player wait...
  11. X

    Solved [Help] An arrow leading to player

    Hi, Im trying to make that when /point <player> command is executed there will be an send title action to tell player how to reach the arg-1 player the fastest example Right, Left, Down, Up, Forward, Backward I'm very confused about this and my math is not enough :D Here is what i have right...
  12. aabss

    disky online command

    i need help with my online command, discord command online: prefixes: . trigger: set {_s::*} to the string argument split at "," reply with "Online players: %join all players with "" | ""%" it wont work Errors:
  13. saad3mad

    problem with my skript

    hey, i'm trying to make the note block useless i want it like a regular block, the main idea is to make new blocks out of note block, now there is a cool thing if u edit the blockstates of note block in the resourse pack you could add a texture to the note block for example: "variants": {...
  14. J

    Skript Help

    Can anyone tell me or make me a skript that makes it so you get a heart every time you get an achievement in minecraft
  15. M

    Solved i want to make it so when i right click an item it disappears

    i want to make it so when i right click an item it disappears
  16. C

    Solved How can I prevent a loop from doing damage to the player with Skript

    I am programming a plugin in Skript using SkRayFall (though I'm unsure that that's useful for this scenario, I should put it there anyway) and I have a program that's supposed to damage all entities in a 1 block radius while pushing the play forward. This works fine, although it damages the...
  17. A

    Solved How can I check if a player is registered on AuthMe through a Skript?

    I already tried SharpSK and all its forks, but the code doesn't work. SharpSK is in my /pl list but the code that I found in the docs doesn't get recognized. Any help? What I tried is: on join: if event-player is registered: # do something else: # do something else...
  18. M

    My skript doesn't work

    Can anyone tell me why this does not work: {1_::%uuid of player%} is already defined " command /loot2 [<offline player>]: permission: trigger: if {_1::%uuid of arg-1%} is not set: send "1" to arg-1 if {1_::%uuid of arg-1%} is not set...
  19. R

    Skript cannot compare values to integers or other values

    skript cannot compare values for some reason there is no errors or anything I cant find anything on any of the forums on join: set {cr.%player's uuid%} to 15000 command /test: trigger: if {cr.%player's uuid%} >= 10000: send "Success" to console
  20. G

    stop if thing contains other thing

    the title is a bit confusing but I will explain. Basically I am trying to make an Infuse SMP skript and it works for the most part, just whenever I get a kill or die I can get the same effect twice, how do I prevent this. I have tried looping it but I don't know how loops work so I've had no...