When owner online do action

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Nov 4, 2023
Category: specified player online

Suggested name: on

Spigot/Skript Version: 2.7.1

What I want:

when owner is online 1)place a block on x y z 2) wait 1s 3)then place air x,y,z and loop it every 15 mins

Ideas for commands: just setblock i think

Ideas for permissions: need to be op'ed lol

When I'd like it by: please if u know how to do this, when u will have some free time :>
Category: specified player online

Suggested name: on

Spigot/Skript Version: 2.7.1

What I want:

when owner is online 1)place a block on x y z 2) wait 1s 3)then place air x,y,z and loop it every 15 mins

Ideas for commands: just setblock i think

Ideas for permissions: need to be op'ed lol

When I'd like it by: please if u know how to do this, when u will have some free time :>

How would we (as the coder) know who the owner is?
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Category: specified player online

Suggested name: on

Spigot/Skript Version: 2.7.1

What I want:

when owner is online 1)place a block on x y z 2) wait 1s 3)then place air x,y,z and loop it every 15 mins

Ideas for commands: just setblock i think

Ideas for permissions: need to be op'ed lol

When I'd like it by: please if u know how to do this, when u will have some free time :>

As I understand, you want every 15 minutes set a block in XYZ coordinates and a second later replace it to air, only if the owner is online. Just make sure to:
- Replace "WORLD_HERE" with your world's name.
- Replace "OWNER_NICKNAME" with the owner's username.
- Replace the coordinates where "50, 50, 50" with the one you want.
- Replace the dirt block with the one you want.
every 15 minutes in "WORLD_HERE":
    if "OWNER_USERNAME" is online:
        set block at location at 50, 50, 50 in world "WORLD_HERE" to dirt
        wait 1 second
        set block at location at 50, 50, 50 in world "WORLD_HERE" to air
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As I understand, you want every 15 minutes set a block in XYZ coordinates and a second later replace it to air, only if the owner is online. Just make sure to:
- Replace "WORLD_HERE" with your world's name.
- Replace "OWNER_NICKNAME" with the owner's username.
- Replace the coordinates where "50, 50, 50" with the one you want.
- Replace the dirt block with the one you want.
every 15 minutes in "WORLD_HERE":
    if "OWNER_USERNAME" is online:
        set block at location at 50, 50, 50 in world "WORLD_HERE" to dirt
        wait 1 second
        set block at location at 50, 50, 50 in world "WORLD_HERE" to air
wouldn't you have to parse the string as an offlineplayer?
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wouldn't you have to parse the string as an offlineplayer?
It worked for me, if there's any issues just use this code:
every 15 minutes in "WORLD_HERE":
    if "OWNER_USERNAME" parsed as player is online:
        set block at location at 0, 105, 0 in world "Lobby" to dirt
        wait 1 second
        set block at location at 0, 105, 0 in world "Lobby" to air
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It worked for me, if there's any issues just use this code:
every second in "WORLD_HERE":
    if "OWNER_USERNAME" parsed as player is online:
        set block at location at 0, 105, 0 in world "Lobby" to dirt
        wait 1 second
        set block at location at 0, 105, 0 in world "Lobby" to air
(pretty sure you meant every 15 minutes in line 1)
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