Need help with my OP Items command

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Sep 10, 2023
Hii! So I am very new to skript and watched mitch-matched tutorials and got to this and everything seems fine but there is errors. I will highlight the errored line in red.

```command /opitems:
permission: op
permission message: "You can't do this, you cheeky bugger!"
open virtual chest inventory with size 2 named "&4OP ITEMS" to player
format gui slot 2 of player with iron sword named "&2Weapons" with lore "&6OP Weapons" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&4WEAPONS" to player
format gui slot 4 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 20, fire aspect 10 named "&4The &cDestroyer" to run:
give diamond sword of sharpness 20, fire aspect 10 named "&4The &cDestroyer" to player
close player's inventory
format gui slot 6 to player with iron chestplate named "&2Armor" with lore "&6OP Armor" to run:
open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&4ARMOR" to player
format gui slot 4 of player with leather leggings dyed pink of protection 50, thorns 10 named "&dPinkie Panties" to run:
give leather leggings dyed pink of protection 50, thorns 10 named "&dPinkie Panties" to player
close player's inventory
format gui slot 13 to player with barrier named "&2Close" to run:
close player's inventory```

Please help me!
Btw its correctly tabbed it just removed the tabs for some reason idk why
To fix that, use a code block instead. You'll find it among the other formatting options.

To briefly explain what the error is you're getting, you're telling Skript to run a command and not telling Skript what command specifically. It's like if I told you to pick a specific card out of a deck, and didn't tell you what to pick. I can't help you with specific syntax, since I mainly use vanilla guis (which I heavily recommend learning. They're not as complicated as they seem), however I hope this was helpful.