
Skript Tools SkEditor v2.5.0

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It's fair to say that April's update was simply a failure. It came out at the end of the month, was small, and its biggest feature caused issues, leading me to recommend many users disable it...

That's why I'm coming back to you in May with a much better update!


- SkEditor was missing a feature that even SkEditor+ had - a built-in browser for viewing the Skript documentation. This was because with the change of the new platform, it was quite difficult and problematic. However, thanks to @ItsTheSky, this update brings it back in a much better form - a native, built-in documentation viewer!


It allows you to quickly and conveniently browse the Skript documentation by connecting to skUnity. You can also download individual elements to view them offline.

- Related to the documentation, a new "Connections" tab has been added to the settings, allowing you to manage connections to external services like skUnity or Pastebin.
- A new experiment has been added - Real-Time Code Parser. Thanks to this, the code parser automatically updates information as soon as you modify the code.
- New option: Auto-indent Paste. When enabled, the editor adjusts pasted code to match the current indentation.
- The Code Parser should now correctly mark the start and end of sections.
- The Session Restoring experiment should no longer cause crashes on program startup.
- With Session Restoring enabled, if you had unsaved files open, you had to double-click the close button to exit - fixed.

End Notes
And that's about it! I'm currently adding another very interesting feature - SkDoc - but I preferred to move it to June.
Besides that, this update doesn't address a few issues I'm aware of - such as with the Session Restoring experiment. These will be addressed in smaller future updates or the June one.

Version 2.4.0 contained a serious bug: SkEditor just....couldn't close when the session restoring experiment wasn't enabled. That's really embarrassing...I'm really sorry! I couldn't catch that because I had session restoring enabled the whole time. So, v2.4.1 fixes that.

Changelog for v2.4.0:


I didn't do much work on SkEditor in April as I lacked motivation.
However, I returned at the last chance to release an April update. It's quite small, but I wanted to ensure there would be a monthly update. I plan for the May update to be much bigger! But I'm not making any promises...

- Added Session Restoring: SkEditor can now save all your files when you exit the app and reopen them on the next launch. For now, this is an experimental feature that you can enable in the settings.
- Added new closing options: Before, there were only Close and Close All. Now, there's a whole "Close" submenu with new options like close all except current, close all to the left, etc. To be honest, I don't find it very useful, but people requested it, so wish granted.
- Added missing translations: Previously, projects and the code parser couldn't be translated. Even though they are experimental, they should be translatable - so I made that possible. For now, only English and Polish are 100% translated - if you speak another language and would like to contribute, feel free to create a pull request! The current language system requires an app update to update languages, but I plan to change that soon.
- The default font (JetBrains Mono) didn't include bold and italic styles, so those effects weren't displaying in the editor. I "fixed" that.
- You can now open a project by dragging a folder into the app.
- If you enable an option in the Experiments menu that requires another experiment, it will automatically enable that one too.
- If a translation is missing for the selected language, it should now properly fall back to English.
- The auto-updater should now request admin privileges normally.

I didn't do much work on SkEditor in April as I lacked motivation.
However, I returned at the last chance to release an April update. It's quite small, but I wanted to ensure there would be a monthly update. I plan for the May update to be much bigger! But I'm not making any promises...

- Added Session Restoring: SkEditor can now save all your files when you exit the app and reopen them on the next launch. For now, this is an experimental feature that you can enable in the settings.
- Added new closing options: Before, there were only Close and Close All. Now, there's a whole "Close" submenu with new options like close all except current, close all to the left, etc. To be honest, I don't find it very useful, but people requested it, so wish granted.
- Added missing translations: Previously, projects and the code parser couldn't be translated. Even though they are experimental, they should be translatable - so I made that possible. For now, only English and Polish are 100% translated - if you speak another language and would like to contribute, feel free to create a pull request! The current language system requires an app update to update languages, but I plan to change that soon.
- The default font (JetBrains Mono) didn't include bold and italic styles, so those effects weren't displaying in the editor. I "fixed" that.
- You can now open a project by dragging a folder into the app.
- If you enable an option in the Experiments menu that requires another experiment, it will automatically enable that one too.
- If a translation is missing for the selected language, it should now properly fall back to English.
- The auto-updater should now request admin privileges normally.

The previous update had a critical bug - the app would crash when opening an image if the "check for external changes" option was enabled. This new build resolves that issue.

I thought there wouldn't be an update in March. But still, I worked on it for a bit and I'm releasing this update in the last days of the month. It's not too big, but something is better than nothing, right? :emoji_slight_smile:

- I added code folding, integrated with the code parser. You can enable it as an experiment.
- From the very beginning of SkEditor, there was a "Experiments" tab in the settings window source code, with translations too. I finally added it! This way there's no need to manually change those options in the file.
- I added an "Open AppData folder" button in the "About me" settings tab.
- SkEditor is now compiled using Ready2Run. Thanks to this, it should start up faster. The cost is a slight increase in app size.
- Changing themes should now be more efficient.
- Detecting external file changes should work better now, there used to be weird errors like detecting edits when there were none.
- Menu tabs now have a slight background transition when hovered over instead of an instant change.
- The "Documentation" menu tab no longer appears. It was there from the start as grayed out, meant to show it would be added soon. For now, it hasn't been added, and people keep asking me how to enable it - so from now on, it's not visible at all.
- Installing updates through SkEditor will no longer show the installer GUI.
- After creating a new file, syntax highlighting may not have been applied - fixed.
- On the first run of SkEditor, an error about syntax highlighting could have shown up - fixed.
- Item choice windows in the GUI generator now have the proper styling.
- The language choice and "anonymously" option in the Publish window no longer show up when selecting a service that doesn't support them.
- API changes


It's been quite a while since the last update, but in return, this update is pretty big. However, due to being a bit busy, most of it was done by @ItsTheSky - thanks! :emoji_slight_smile:
- A code parser has been added to the left sidebar. It shows the code structure, displays variables, and allows editing, etc. - remember that to enable the left sidebar, you need to change the value of the EnableProjectsExperiment option to true in the settings.json file, or use the new method - paste this code into an empty file in SkEditor: -enableSkEditorOption: EnableProjectsExperiment, and then restart the application. (
- Projects have been greatly improved: files have icons, you can manage files and folders directly in SkEditor, and much more (
- You can now customize the indentation style (spaces or tabs, size) in the settings (
- The Sidebar has been generally improved; it's easy to register new panels, the animation of opening panels has been improved, etc. (
- Added file association capabilities, menu items registration for addons, and an image viewer (
- SkEditor now shows the changelog during the first run after an update (in a simple form as a message, later I plan to add a general start page for such things)
- Themes now have an option to enable the Mica effect, allowing SkEditor to beautify itself by creating a nice background based on the desktop background. For the option to be visible, the application background in the theme must be semi-transparent. Shortly after the update, I plan to add an official version of the default theme with the Mica effect.
- The CompletionItems collection is now a public property, making it easier for addons to add new suggestions.
- Added a simple "refactor" function by right-clicking on text to change variable names.
- Addons with an exclamation mark before the name (folders or dll files) are not loaded by SkEditor now.
- Changed the way to set the style to "small window".
- Added a few new methods to the API.
- Moved the TextMarkers API, which was previously in the Analyzer, to SkEditor. This allows various addons to add their own markers.
- Added "special pastes," mentioned with the code parser - they allow performing simple "developer" tasks with a simple paste of a special command.
- Fixed a few bugs and crashes.
- Updated AvaloniaUI to the latest version



This is a small update that only fixes some bugs.


  • If a crash was caused by an addon, the information about addon name is added to crash message
  • Fixed a bug that caused addons to not be updated
  • Fixed weird auto-pairing behavior
  • Fixed a problem that loading syntax could result in a crash
  • Fixed #23



This is a smaller update, but it comes with a few important fixes.


  • I've created a simple version of "projects"/"workspaces". To enable it, go to %appdata%/SkEditor, open the settings.json file, and change the value of EnableProjectsExperiment to true.
  • Hex color highlighting was causing performance issues. Now, they are not highlighted by default. Just like projects, you need to enable them in the json file (EnableHexPreview). However, the performance issue itself should no longer occur.
  • @ItsTheSky implemented a new syntax highlighting file format. This allows for syntax highlighting for languages other than Skript. For example, you can now find YAML syntax highlighting in the Marketplace.
  • Hungarian language added - thanks to @Beni34!
  • Resolved #19
  • Resolved #15
  • Fixed errors related to checking external changes
  • SkEditor will no longer crash in case of a faulty structure in the addons folder (this was a quite common issue during Analyzer updates).


Hello and happy New Year!​

I've got a slightly bigger update to kick off the new year.


  • I changed the program's design a bit. Colors from the old "Shadow" theme are now the default.
    (⚠️❗ If you were using the program before, SkEditor won't automatically update the default theme. In that case, head to settings -> Personalization -> Theme, click the "Open folder" button, close SkEditor, delete the Default.json file, and restart SkEditor.)
  • Added a theme editor in settings.
  • Introduced an early prototype of code completion, which you can try out by setting EnableAutoCompletionExperiment to true in settings.json.
  • Added hex color highlighting in text.
  • The Marketplace can now install "packs" that include both syntax highlighting and themes simultaneously.
  • The Marketplace can now install more advanced addons using external libraries.
  • Fixed #8.
  • Fixed #9.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the theme wasn't loaded correctly.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when having two identical addons.
  • Added the Skript addons menu in the Analyzer and the option to choose custom Java version.


This is a small update that fixes some bugs, adds a command generator, and introduces the possibility to add example actions for items in the GUI generator.