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Jul 3, 2021

SkEditor is an app for editing Skript files.​


The program includes:

• Built-in, pretty syntax highlighting •

• Visual GUI generator •


• Menu for publishing the code on, skUnity Parser or •

• Customizing the program for yourself in the settings •

• Marketplace for addons, syntax highlightings and themes •

• Ability to change almost any color in the program using a theme •

• The official Analyzer addon in the Marketplace, which adds the ability to analyze scripts quickly and without internet access •

• API for addons •

• Possibility to translate the program •

• And more! •​
Last edited:
English: Currently, the editor is quite high level but I would like to add some more stuff to the command generator like Cooldown Bypass and
Cooldown Storage.
But now it's quite cool. Polish:
Obecnie edytor jest na dość wysokim poziomie, ale chciałbym dodać trochę rzeczy do generatora komend, takich jak Cooldown Bypass i
Cooldown Storage.

Ale teraz jest całkiem spoko.

It's my opinion.
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Reactions: Notro
Notro updated SkEditor+ with a new update entry:

v1.7.3 - pretty cool update


In this update, I actually "tweaked a little bit of everything." There are small improvements here, little new features there, and some minor fixes... However, I think this update is quite enjoyable and useful!
Unfortunately, due to changes in the skUnity Parser API, the Analyzer add-on (or rather, the Analyzer experiment ) is not functioning. I will restore its functionality in the next version.


  • Experiments
    • ...

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Notro updated SkEditor+ with a new update entry:

v1.7.4 - very small bug-fixing update


You should read v1.7.3 changelog if you didn't already do so - it's far more interesting update that this one!


  • You can ignore crashes now (but it probably can cause problems - use it only if you have to)
  • Alerts addon could crash the program if there was no internet connection - fixed
  • Button languages are translated basing on the app's language...

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Notro updated SkEditor+ with a new update entry:

v1.7.5 - small update

Hey there!​

This update is quite small, but it includes a pretty cool feature - an image gallery in the Marketplace! It will come in handy for syntax highlighting because previously, you had to install and enable it to see how it looks. Now, each one has a sample image showing what it looks like.

In addition to that:​

  • Even though the "Projects and Structure unlocker" addon was converted into an Experiment, the program was still checking if...

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Notro updated SkEditor+ with a new update entry:

v1.7.6 - really small update

Hey there!​

This update is a tiny one, but I felt the need to release it. Sorry for the lack of major updates, but I had a few things to take care of and was busy working on my Minecraft server, so time was limited. Moreover, I'll be going on vacation again soon, so unfortunately, there will be another break... I hope you'll forgive me!


  • Added a small note about which files are exactly downloaded during the first launch, as some...

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This app is good, but I wouldn't prefer it over Sublime Text 3. It's missing a few small features that I need when skripting, such as being able to select multiple areas to edit at the same time, using ctrl [ or ] to move a highlighted text forward or backward, and probably others I can't think of. It's coming a long great and I love the little snippets you can paste in.
Notro updated SkEditor+ with a new update entry:

v1.7.7 - the "Fixing One Bug in Two Weeks" Update

Hey there!​

Yeah, I know the title doesn't sound too exciting, but that's how it turned out :'(
I've been on a longer vacation lately, and unfortunately, I couldn't really take my computer on my back, you know.
There were reports about an annoying bug that I kinda "fixed in my mind" while on vacation, but I had to wait until I got back home to actually do something about it.
Well, I'm back now, and I've fixed it. And because I really want to get this update with the fix...

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Notro updated SkEditor+ with a new update entry:

v1.7.8 - very small update

Hey there!​

This update is once again quite small. I did it because it turned out that the bug I thought I had fixed in the previous version still persists. Finally, it should be resolved!
I really didn't want to release an update just for this fix, so I added a little improvement - "Copy" and "Paste" buttons in the GUI generator, making it easy to clone items.
Unfortunately, that's all for now. I don't want to spend too much time on this version of SkEditor+ since I'm...

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Notro updated SkEditor+ with a new update entry:

v1.7.9 - small bug-fixing update

Hey there!​

No need to go into too much detail, it's a really tiny update.
I can just let you know that work on the rewritten version of SkEditor+ is ongoing and looking good!


  • Previously, when the program was closed with files open, they used to be saved and reopened on the next start. However, in situations like that, when trying to open a file, it wouldn't actually open. Fixed!
  • If an error occurred while trying to save a file...

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Notro updated SkEditor with a new update entry:

v2.0.0 & v2.0.1 - Massive 2.0 update!

Welcome everyone!​

Ohhh, it's been such a long time! This post is going to be a bit long - not sure if anyone will read it, but after such a long time, I want to write everything in detail.

A bit of history​

The original SkEditor was created by @GliczDev in 2020. It was a very simple editor. It had many updates, but eventually, in 2021, it was abandoned.
A few months later, SkEditor Remake was born...

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Notro updated SkEditor with a new update entry:

v2.0.0 & v2.0.1 - Massive 2.0 update!

Welcome everyone!​

Ohhh, it's been such a long time! This post is going to be a bit long - not sure if anyone will read it, but after such a long time, I want to write everything in detail.

A bit of history​

The original SkEditor was created by @GliczDev in 2020. It was a very simple editor. It had many updates, but eventually, in 2021, it was abandoned.
A few months later, SkEditor Remake was born...

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Notro updated SkEditor with a new update entry:

v2.1.0 - a New Year update

Hello and happy New Year!​

I've got a slightly bigger update to kick off the new year.


  • I changed the program's design a bit. Colors from the old "Shadow" theme are now the default.
    (⚠️❗ If you were using the program before, SkEditor won't automatically update the default theme. In that case, head to settings -> Personalization -> Theme, click the "Open folder" button, close SkEditor, delete the Default.json file, and restart...

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Notro updated SkEditor with a new update entry:

v2.1.1 - small January update


This is a smaller update, but it comes with a few important fixes.


  • I've created a simple version of "projects"/"workspaces". To enable it, go to %appdata%/SkEditor, open the settings.json file, and change the value of EnableProjectsExperiment to true.
  • Hex color highlighting was causing performance issues. Now, they are not highlighted by default. Just like projects, you need to enable them in the json file...

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Notro updated SkEditor with a new update entry:

v2.1.2 - bug-fixing update


This is a small update that only fixes some bugs.


  • If a crash was caused by an addon, the information about addon name is added to crash message
  • Fixed a bug that caused addons to not be updated
  • Fixed weird auto-pairing behavior
  • Fixed a problem that loading syntax could result in a crash
  • Fixed #23


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Notro updated SkEditor with a new update entry:

v2.2.0 - big January update


It's been quite a while since the last update, but in return, this update is pretty big. However, due to being a bit busy, most of it was done by @ItsTheSky - thanks! :emoji_slight_smile:
- A code parser has been added to the left sidebar. It shows the code structure, displays variables, and allows editing, etc. - remember that to enable the left sidebar, you need to change the value of the EnableProjectsExperiment option to true in...

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