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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.8
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  4. 1.11
Hey there, today, I did a chat/tablist/above head nick and skin changer script, hope you'll like it.

  • Skin changing
  • Configureable Nametag changing
  • Configureable chat display name changing
  • Configureable tablist name changing
  • Skin/Nick changing on join
  • Per-color permission on the nick command
  • And more!

None for now

Information and usage


  • /nick
    • Permission: nick.change
    • Description: Resets your nick if there was one already set.
  • /nick [nickname]
    • Permission: nick.change
    • Description: Set your nick to the specified argument.
  • /skin [player default=command sender]
    • Permission: skin.change
    • Description: Reset your/the argument's skin.
  • /skin [IGN] [player default=command sender]
    • Permission: skin.change
    • Description: set your/the argument's skin to the skin of the specified player. [player default=command sender]
Other permissions
  • nick.color.&<color code>
    • Description: Add the ability of use the specified color on the /nick command.
  • nick.color.all
    • Description: Add the ability of use all colors on the /nick command.
If you have any suggestions or you found a bug, feel free to contact me with a private message or say the problem on the discussion section.

To-Do list

= Finished ✗ = Not yet

✗ Animated nicks on tablist/above head.
✗ Placeholders
✗ Per-world nicks/skins.
And your suggestions!

Other links
First release
Last update
4.17 star(s) 6 ratings

More resources from Snow-Pyon

Latest updates

  1. Let's make it work again

    Hey there, this release is only for making this script work again and optimizing it using...
  2. Join stuff, some fixes and reset on commands

    You can reset the nick/skin if you don't put any arguments on the commands. Now the skin/nick of...
  3. Hotfix

    a hotfix for a misspelling while calling a function (thanks to @xbxy for reporting it)

Latest reviews

The skript hasn't been updated in 5 years.
Neither has tablisknu, so how would updating skins work?
This is very well written and it works as well. Good job!
I like how the skript looks but nothing works for me.

23.04 11:27:53 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: send request to "https://api.mineskin.org/generate/user/%{_trimmed-uuid}%" (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 82: send request to "https://api.mineskin.org/generate/user/%{_trimmed-uuid}%"')
23.04 11:27:53 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: map json last response's body to {_skin-api::*} (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 83: map json last response's body to {_skin-api::*}')
23.04 11:27:53 [Server] ERROR '::data::texture::value} signature {_skin-api::data::texture::signature}' is not a valid item data (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 85: set {skin-cache::%{_player}%} to skin with value {_skin-api::data::texture::value} signature {_skin-api::data::texture::signature}')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: set player's displayed skin to {skinStorage::%player's uuid%} (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 96: set player's displayed skin to {skinStorage::%player's uuid%}')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: set player's mundosk tablist name to {nickStorage::%player's uuid%} (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 103: set player's mundosk tablist name to {nickStorage::%player's uuid%}')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: set player's nametag to {nickStorage::%player's uuid%} (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 105: set player's nametag to {nickStorage::%player's uuid%}')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: set sender's mundosk tablist name to {nickStorage::%sender's uuid%} (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 126: set sender's mundosk tablist name to {nickStorage::%sender's uuid%}')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: set sender's nametag to {nickStorage::%sender's uuid%} (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 128: set sender's nametag to {nickStorage::%sender's uuid%}')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: set sender's mundosk tablist name to sender's name (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 139: set sender's mundosk tablist name to sender's name')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: set sender's nametag to sender's name (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 141: set sender's nametag to sender's name')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: set arg-1's displayed skin to {_skin} (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 158: set arg-1's displayed skin to {_skin}')
23.04 11:27:54 [Server] ERROR Can't understand this condition/effect: reset arg-1's displayed skin (Nick-SkinChanger.sk, line 164: reset arg-1's displayed skin')
You need the required dependencies working properly for it to work.

Which version of Skript are you using? Do you have all the listed dependencies (ProtocolLib too)? Server version? Did some addon/Skript throw a console error at startup? Answer me all that in the discussion section please.
Good job, Pyon. There isn't any errors and issues.
Hey 1 Problem i have :/ Skript says me "function removeColors(text: string, player: player) :: text:" THis is a Error but why?
If you have an issue please talk me on a PM or on the discussion section. Be aware also that my script doesn't support Skript 2.1.2.

Anyways, thanks for the four stars!
Cool script dude, but you should edit the subtitle "skin" it looks a bit unprofessional ;P
Hey, thanks for the 5 stars, glad that you like my script bit what do you mean by "subtitle"? If you could tell me more about this on a PM. Thanks for you support anyways.