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Script Nick/Skin changer 1.7

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i need help
[12:17:42 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading
[12:17:42 ERROR]: Functions cannot be used here. (, line 38: set player's display name to removeColor(arg, sender)')
[12:17:42 ERROR]: Functions cannot be used here. (, line 40: set player's mundosk tablist name to removeColor(arg, sender)')
[12:17:42 ERROR]: Functions cannot be used here. (, line 42: set player's nametag to removeColor(arg, sender)')
[12:17:42 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 3 errors while reloading!
You're retiring from Skript? :emoji_astonished:
I been a long time ago thinking about it, I don't have anything to do with Skript anymore so I'm just wandering around the discord guilds and sometimes helping people but that's it. I don't have plans to do anything more than help people once I get tired of that and then left the community.
I downloaded all the updated dependencies but it is still giving me the same errors I pasted on the review of the page.