- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.12
jNBT allows you to read and modify the NBT data of all entities, items and tile-entities.
This is the product of hours of trying to figure out how to get this stuff to work correctly and reading through example code. Yet, it doesn't offer as much depth as SkStuff does - however i do intend to upgrade this.
This add-on is purely dedicated to providing NBT usages. There won't be any non-NBT related functionality added to it.
Entity NBT
Item NBT
Block NBT (Tile entities)
Joined NBT
Joins two different NBTs together. The latter value will overwrite conflicting values between the two.
Tag %string% of NBT
Returns the value of the specified tag of the specified NBT
To do
If you like this resource, please consider buying me a coffee:
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/langejulian
jNBT allows you to read and modify the NBT data of all entities, items and tile-entities.
This is the product of hours of trying to figure out how to get this stuff to work correctly and reading through example code. Yet, it doesn't offer as much depth as SkStuff does - however i do intend to upgrade this.
This add-on is purely dedicated to providing NBT usages. There won't be any non-NBT related functionality added to it.
- Requires:
- Spigot 1.12.*
- Put the jar in the plugins-folder
- Restart the server (observe the console for errors)
- Github: https://github.com/jaylawl/jNBT/releases
Please use this Github to report errors
- SkStuff
You can make it compatible with SkStuff by specifying "item-nbt", "block-nbt" & "entity-nbt" as opposed to using plain "nbt"
Definitly gonna have issues if you run both
Entity NBT
%entity%'s [entity-]nbt
[entity-]nbt of %entity%
- get
- add
add "{NoAI:true}" to last spawned entity's nbt
add "{Silent:1b}" to player's targeted entity's nbt
add "{Something:something}" to entity-nbt of event-entity
broadcast "%last spawned entity's nbt%"
%item%'s [item-]nbt
[item-]nbt of %item%
- get
- add
- remove (work in progress)
- set
- delete
- reset
send "%{_player}'s tool's item-nbt%" to all players
broadcast "%nbt of event-player's helmet%"
add "{SomeTag:1234}" to player's tool's item-nbt
reset event-player's helmet's nbt
set nbt of command sender's chestplate to "{Yes:false,No:true}"
%block%'s [block-]nbt
[block-]nbt of %block%
- add
- get
- set (kinda useless)
add "{RequiredPlayerRange:0s}" to targeted block's nbt
add "{SpawnData:{id:""minecraft:wither""}}" to nbt of clicked block
broadcast "%event-block's nbt%"
joined nbt[( |-)string] from %string% and %string%
set {_ex} to joined nbt from "{Test:false,Whatever:123}" and "{Something:something,Test:true}"
# {_ex} = "{Test:true,Whatever:123,Something:something}"
tag %string% of %string%
set {_tag} to tag "Invulnerable" of targeted entity's nbt
To do
- Support MC 1.13
- This might take some time
- If you want compability for 1.11 or earlier, use SkStuff
- There are no plans to create backwards compability
- This might take some time
- Add more in-depth NBT editing capabilities
Find a way to add NBT to items without having to create a new onecompleted!
- Make it compatible with SkStuff maybe (it kinda is already)
- Drink lots of coffee
If you like this resource, please consider buying me a coffee:
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/langejulian