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i may rework it to a way better version soon, but this one is done for.
There are settings now! (note that this feature is beta, and all bugs/typos/any kind of problems are welcomed via DMs in this website! No support will be provided or I wont reply to any problem about this feature in the reviews.)

/toggle (arg)

basically you can now toggle scoreboard and antiswear on and off

i'm still working on it, expect anything to happen, there might be no message to send while toggling.

Anti plugins list! No one can view your plugins now!
/pl is now customized, and every command close that


/freeze and /launch for now sorry, Thanks to ExtremeUltra for the Launch command!

Sorry, this update is bad but I had to do it, and I don't want to abandoan or keep this resource outdated!
no errors should occur now!

and one sad thing is that I removed chat events cause it made players unable to chat, next week is going to be a chat event week for me!
yes, punishment system exists now in delza, Guess what more?!

Old errors are all fixed! No more space or tab errors!

Whats more?

new options! new sections! also going to edit the resource page cause its too old isn't it? GOTTA LOVE CONTINUING THIS PROJECT!
Hello everyone! I'm back to skript!

- Removed all events (Sumo, FFA) Due to causing a lot of bugs.
- Added more options to edit for yourself
- Updated animated scoreboard
- Removed AntiSwear, Pretty much useless to be honest.
- Added more options to the scoreboard!
- Removed chat format due to spam issues.

- Trolling commands
- Friends system
- Report system
- Punishment manager
- advanced player information
- And much much more!

Stay updated for the next tune!
- New game-event (FFA) /delza ffa setspawn, /delza ffa join (KIT: BUILDUHC)
- Autoevent-hoster fixed
- fixed /delza events
- Added player mentions
- Updated + Fixed scoreboard
Scoreboard for ffa
More of unexpected game-events.
- Sound bugs fixed
- Removed /ontime (NOT WORKING)
- Working on game-events.