TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more!

Addon TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! 1.8.2

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Isn't it possible to set conflicts to vanilla enchantments?
    set conflicts for enchant_name to sharpness, smite and bane of anthropods
Sadly, currently not possible. I'm planning to remake the custom enchantment thing, since it is a bit old and it needs more features, and it will be avaliable in this remake. But I may start on it in about 2 weeks only.
Sadly, currently not possible. I'm planning to remake the custom enchantment thing, since it is a bit old and it needs more features, and it will be avaliable in this remake. But I may start on it in about 2 weeks only.

OK. Thank you for your quick replying.
I'll try it out to make alternative scripts before then.
Hi @Tuke_Nuke
Thank you for your addon :emoji_slight_smile:

I noticed an error with the latest version. Before, this syntax worked well.
make player drops player's tool from his inventory

But now, I have these errors (I tried in some events):
There's no slot in a function event
There's no slot in a command event
There's no slot in an on death event

Why slot?! ^^'

Thank you for help!
Can you add an effect?
When the player synthesizes the object
To get the materials that he USES
On craft:
Send "%events-materials%" # has a maximum of 9 materials
New Beta release
I posted a new beta release on my Github, you can check it here.

@Goetheus your issue was fixed in that release.

@xbxy It is already possible, since TuSKe provides support for recipes, you can use a event-value for it:
on craft:
    #Syntax: [the] ingredients of %recipe%, %recipe%'[s] ingredients
    send "%ingredients of event-recipe%"

You need atleast TuSKe v1.7.7 since it there was a issue with shapped recipes less than 3x3 items, making it return less than 9 items unorganized.
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Reactions: Goetheus
New Beta release
I posted a new beta release on my Github, you can check it here.

@Goetheus your issue was fixed in that release.

@xbxy It is already possible, since TuSKe provides support for recipes, you can use a event-value for it:
on craft:
    #Syntax: [the] ingredients of %recipe%, %recipe%'[s] ingredients
    send "%ingredients of event-recipe%"

You need atleast TuSKe v1.7.7 since it there was a issue with shapped recipes less than 3x3 items, making it return less than 9 items unorganized.
Is this
I have a ball of mucus
Item = slimeball named "& chappy"

This is for entertainment

And then I don't want the user to make the mucus (165:0).
So I want to check if I have this {@item} when I'm synthesizing

%ingredients of event-recipe%
It only returns the recipe material, and I don't get the name and other attributes
Is there any other solution ?

According to the TuSke/documentation
I tested the following event
He was found to be invalid
On Item craft:
    send "&c%event-slot%"
    send "&c%event-player%"
    send "&c%event-inventory%"
    send "&c%event-itemstack%"
    send "&c%event-recipe%"
And I keep using the latest edition
Hi, how would I replace a gui slot (without closing and opening a new gui) with only another action / command (keeping the current slot item) ?

For example:
make a gui slot 12 of {_p} with {_box} to do nothing

Change later into:
make a gui slot 12 of {_p} with {_box} to run command blablabla

This does not work.
And I only found this:
set slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory to {_newItem}

But I need to set the function not the item.
Is this
I have a ball of mucus
Item = slimeball named "& chappy"

This is for entertainment

And then I don't want the user to make the mucus (165:0).
So I want to check if I have this {@item} when I'm synthesizing

%ingredients of event-recipe%
It only returns the recipe material, and I don't get the name and other attributes
Is there any other solution ?

According to the TuSke/documentation
I tested the following event
He was found to be invalid
On Item craft:
    send "&c%event-slot%"
    send "&c%event-player%"
    send "&c%event-inventory%"
    send "&c%event-itemstack%"
    send "&c%event-recipe%"
And I keep using the latest edition

I see now. You can try to loop slots from 1 to 9 and and check its item, and if it is your item, you can set the result item to air (the slot 0). Because the ingredients of %recipe% returns a list of items of a recipe, not actually the items the player used.

Hi, how would I replace a gui slot (without closing and opening a new gui) with only another action / command (keeping the current slot item) ?

For example:
make a gui slot 12 of {_p} with {_box} to do nothing

Change later into:
make a gui slot 12 of {_p} with {_box} to run command blablabla

This does not work.
And I only found this:
set slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory to {_newItem}

But I need to set the function not the item.

How would you change later? about some timespan later? You can just format the slot again using same item (as you want) and using a new action. In case it still not working for you, you can unformat a slot
make a gui slot 12 of {_p} with {_box} to do nothing
wait 10 seconds
unformat a gui slot 12 of {_p}
make a gui slot 12 of {_p} with {_box} to run player command "/example"
Thanks @ Tuke_Nuke but without unformating it does not work. And unformating is not an option because then I would have to store all items for the gui in variables for later use (because I am not using them in the same event).
Thanks @ Tuke_Nuke but without unformating it does not work. And unformating is not an option because then I would have to store all items for the gui in variables for later use (because I am not using them in the same event).
What's the version of TuSKe, Skript and server? I tested TuSKe v1.7.7, Skript dev29 and Spigot 1.12 the following:
command /gui:
        open virtual chest to player
        make gui slot 13 of player with stone named "Example" #The 'to do nothing' is optional, does the same.
        wait 2 seconds
function example(p: Player):
    make gui slot 13 of {_p} with (slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory) to run {_p} command "/test"
The function is just an example to format in a separated "event".
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Reactions: pepper82
Tuke_Nuke updated TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! with a new update entry:

1.12 Recipes support, fixes and small additions.

[+] Added:

  • Expressions to create knowledge books containing recipes:
    #A list of recipes of a knowledge book. Can be edited.
    knowledge(s| recipes) of %itemstack%
    %itemstack%'[s] knowledge(s| recipes)
    #Returns a knowledge book with given recipes
    %itemstack% with [recipes] %recipes%
  • Added a syntax filter for evaluate effect. Read more about it at documentation or...

Read the rest of this update entry...
This guy helped me yesterday about solve problem. Tuke_Nuke is best person, TuSKe is best addon !
This guy helped me yesterday about solve problem. Tuke_Nuke is best person, TuSKe is best addon !
I'm glad for help and to know that you enjoy my addon. Thank you!
Tuke_Nuke updated TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! with a new update entry:

Important bug fixes.

[+] Added:
  • Added support for on break event in effect cancel drops. It allows you to prevent the drops of event-block. (For 1.12+ only)
[+] Fixed:
  • Fixed a issue with Advanced GUIs caused by the last update. If you are in TuSKe 1.8 and use advanced guis, it's recommended that you update it.
  • Some final fixes for Recipe Manager: Shapeless recipe now works fully to accept custom...

Read the rest of this update entry...
i guess this fixes the double event firing on inventory close in advanced guis :emoji_grinning: nice timing
I have a problem with TuSKe :/ the functions (also the rest) doesn't works when i click on a item in my gui.

My code:
function sendMessage(p: player):
   message "&aMessage !" to {_p}
command /gui:
       open virtual chest inventory named "&ePage &61" to player
       make a gui slot 0 of player with 1 grass to run function sendMessage(player)

I just have this error in the console : http://prntscr.com/fyc2cu

Thanks :emoji_slight_smile:
I have a problem with TuSKe :/ the functions (also the rest) doesn't works when i click on a item in my gui.

My code:
function sendMessage(p: player):
   message "&aMessage !" to {_p}
command /gui:
       open virtual chest inventory named "&ePage &61" to player
       make a gui slot 0 of player with 1 grass to run function sendMessage(player)

I just have this error in the console : http://prntscr.com/fyc2cu

Thanks :emoji_slight_smile:

This error is related to the Skript updater (since you are using a older version of Skript). Check your Skript config and disable a option related to auto updater.

Regardless TuSKe, everything works normal here, even in 1.8. Make sure you have latest TuSKe and you are properly checking your code (maybe not reloading the right script?).
This error is related to the Skript updater (since you are using a older version of Skript). Check your Skript config and disable a option related to auto updater.

Regardless TuSKe, everything works normal here, even in 1.8. Make sure you have latest TuSKe and you are properly checking your code (maybe not reloading the right script?).
It's good ! I have disable the option in the skrip config and download the latest version of TuSKe, thanks for the help ! :emoji_slight_smile: