TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more!

Addon TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! 1.8.2

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@xbxy I meant as SharpSk already has support for PermissionEx, you could try if he is interested to add support to GroupManager too
[doublepost=1492141974,1492141913][/doublepost]@mel_instagibson Alright, so could you pm your enchantments.yml file so I can try it on my own?
@xbxy I meant as SharpSk already has support for PermissionEx, you could try if he is interested to add support to GroupManager too
[doublepost=1492141974,1492141913][/doublepost]@mel_instagibson Alright, so could you pm your enchantments.yml file so I can try it on my own?
    Name: Magic POWAHHH
    MaxLevel: 5
    Rarity: 1
    AcceptedItems: All
  MaxEnchantmentsPerItem: 4
  CompatibilityMode: false
  GlobalRarity: 5
Hey I have a suggestion/addon for GUI Management w/TuSKe -- reformatting a gui slot.

command /gui:
        open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "custom gui" to sender
        make gui slot 4 of sender with stone named "&6&lSlot 4" with lore "&7Text: &b%{variableThatIsChangedConstantly}%" to do nothing
        wait 0.5 seconds
        while inventory name of player's current inventory is "custom gui":
            wait 1 seconds
            reformat gui slot 4 of sender to do nothing
re(format|create|make) [a] gui slot %integer% of %players% [to do nothing] #if nothing is added at the end, the same action occurs from previous format
re(format|create|make) [a] gui slot %integer% of %players% to close [(using|with) %click action% [(button|click|action)]]
#Obviously, there are more syntaxes but i was too lazy to format them all

Hopefully this is a good enough suggestion!
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Reactions: Charles
I want to do the following
How do you do that

item: stone withe lore "no drop"
on death:
    loop drops:
        if loop-item is {@item}:
            #Don't drop the item
I want to do the following
How do you do that

item: stone withe lore "no drop"
on death:
    loop drops:
        if loop-item is {@item}:
            #Don't drop the item
Just remove the loop item from drops. But make sure that the item is only stone with lore "no drop". In case the item has more stuffs, check its name, lore, etc separated.

What exactly would be a reformat effect?

Try to add the following at yaml config of enchantment:
    Enabled: true
Just remove the loop item from drops. But make sure that the item is only stone with lore "no drop". In case the item has more stuffs, check its name, lore, etc separated.

What exactly would be a reformat effect?

Try to add the following at yaml config of enchantment:
    Enabled: true
I've tried
I have 64 stones in my backpack
on death:
    remove stone from drops
And then you get 63 stones
Another stone disappeared
I want the lost stone back in the backpack
I've tried
I have 64 stones in my backpack
on death:
    remove stone from drops
And then you get 63 stones
Another stone disappeared
I want the lost stone back in the backpack
Please create another thread for non-related TuSKe issues.
Plugin saying there is a update but it can't download:

[13:36:20 INFO]: [TuSKe] Checking for update...
[13:36:21 INFO]: [TuSKe] New update available: v1.7.4" class="header-search-scope no-underline
[13:36:21 INFO]: Check what's new: https://github.com/Tuke-Nuke/TuSKe/releases/tag/1.7.4" class="header-search-scope no-underline
[13:36:21 INFO]: You can download and update it with /tuske update.
Send command: tuske update download
[13:36:27 INFO]: [TuSKe] Downloading the latest version...
[13:36:28 INFO]: A error occured when trying to download latest version. Maybe SkUnity is down?
Send command: tuske update plugin
[13:36:40 INFO]: [TuSKe] A error occured when trying to download latest version. Maybe SkUnity is down?
Plugin saying there is a update but it can't download:

[13:36:20 INFO]: [TuSKe] Checking for update...
[13:36:21 INFO]: [TuSKe] New update available: v1.7.4" class="header-search-scope no-underline
[13:36:21 INFO]: Check what's new: https://github.com/Tuke-Nuke/TuSKe/releases/tag/1.7.4" class="header-search-scope no-underline
[13:36:21 INFO]: You can download and update it with /tuske update.
Send command: tuske update download
[13:36:27 INFO]: [TuSKe] Downloading the latest version...
[13:36:28 INFO]: A error occured when trying to download latest version. Maybe SkUnity is down?
Send command: tuske update plugin
[13:36:40 INFO]: [TuSKe] A error occured when trying to download latest version. Maybe SkUnity is down?
Probably github changed some property in they site and I using a horrible way to check for it (gettint the raw content of site then checking...). Since Github has a proper API for it, I will change it soon. Thank's for reporting, for now, just disable the updater check in TuSKe's config.

I think he meant an effect that would make you able to update these items which are formatted, would let you create animations and stuff.

Well @Vexio, you can freely change the item using just a simple slot expression, since the gui checks the position and inventory, not the item itself. In next update will have a effect similiar to reorder items, so you can easily change them. Thank's for suggestion.

I've tried
I have 64 stones in my backpack
on death:
    remove stone from drops
And then you get 63 stones
Another stone disappeared
I want the lost stone back in the backpack

As said below, you can create a new thread to people help you faster (if you already didn't one).

But this way will remove any item that matches a stone, regardless of nbt. So you can just loop the items of a drop, check if it is the item that you want, them remove from drops and add to your backpack.
on death:
    loop drops:
        if loop-item is a stone:
            remove 1 of loop-item from drops
            add 1 of loop-item to {PlayerBackpack::%victim%}
Hello @Tuke_Nuke
Can you give me an example to register a recipe with two custom ingredients ?
Well, I have wiki in my github explaining the process, you can see it here. If you still have question after reading it, you can comment below.

Also, just a note: The recipe support is in beta, at least when using custom ingredients (since Minecraft doesn't check the nbt of it).
I read before posting my request ^^
I just understand a comment Use a custom name for an ingredient ^^
I read before posting my request ^^
I just understand a comment Use a custom name for an ingredient ^^
So, do you still have question how to use them?

You just have to choose between two types: Shaped and Shapeless. Shapeless is for recipe where the position of items doesn't matter (like a recipe of a book), while Shaped requires that the ingredients matches certain positions.

#Syntax: This way they can be anywhere.
create|register) [new] [custom] shapeless recipe with (return|result) %itemstack% using [ingredients] %itemstacks%
register new custom shapeless recipe with result stone named "Resulting stone" using diamond named "Example" and stick named "Example"

Shaped: This one the items has to be at slot 0 and 1 of workbench
(create|register) [new] [custom] shaped recipe with (return|result) %itemstack% using [ingredients] %itemstacks% [with shape %strings%]
register new custom shaped recipe with result stone named "Resulting stone" using diamond named "Example" and stick named "Example"

It needs a update to fix shaped recipe and I will be doing it soon.

@Charles could you give me your code to see if there is something wrong? The slot is not formatted when the values are null (slot, player, item...) and if the top player inventory is its own crafting inventory.
Tuke_Nuke updated TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! with a new update entry:

GUI Manager 2, Custom Recipe fixes, Performance increased, Documentation generator

[+] Added:
  • GUI Manager 2: New features, new syntaxes, faster and better. See the new tutorial
  • Option to remove a specific recipe.
      remove all recipes of {_tool} from all recipes
      loop all recipes of {_tool}:
          remove loop-recipe from all recipes
      loop all recipes of {_tool}:
          delete loop-recipe #Remove from server
          reset loop-recipe #In case it is a...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Isn't it possible to set conflicts to vanilla enchantments?
    set conflicts for enchant_name to sharpness, smite and bane of anthropods