Hey man it seems the unstealable isnt working for me
if arg-1 is not set:
open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "&c&lUHC Config" to player
wait 5 tick
create a gui slot 4 of player with sign named "&6&lMatch Info" with lore "&3Match Name &7» &e%{matchname}%||&3Host &7» &e%{uhchost}%||&3Teamsize &7» &e%{Teamsize}%||&3Scenarios &7» &e%{matchscenarios}%"
wait 5 tick
create a gui slot 10 of player with redstone named "&c&lGame Rules" with lore "&3Xray &7» &4Not allowed||&3ToggleSneak &7» &4Not allowed||&3ToggleSprint &7» &aAllowed||&3IPvP &7» &eAfter PvP enabled||&3CrossTeaming &7» &4Not allowed||&3Stalking &7» &aAllowed&4 but not excessively||&3Towering &7» &aAllowed&4 until meetup" to act unstealable
wait 5 tick
create a gui slot 28 of player with iron pickaxe named "&c&lMining Rules" with lore "&3Stripmining &7» &aY32+ Only||&3Staircasing &7» &aAllowed &7(&eNo random turns&7)||&3Pokeholing &7» &4Not allowed||&3Sounds &7» &aAllowed||" to act unstealable
wait 5 tick
create a gui slot 16 of player with paper named "&c&lChat Rules" with lore "&3Harrasment,Dox,DDOS &7» &4Not allowed||&3Advertising &7» &4Not allowed||&3Spamming &7» &4Not allowed||&3Impersonation (/nick) &7» &4Not allowed||&3Hackusate &7» &4Not allowed &7(&eUse /helpop&7)" to act unstealable
wait 5 tick
create a gui slot 34 of player with tnt named "&c&lPunishments" with lore "&3Game rules &7» &414d Ban||&3Chat rules &7» &47d Mute||&3Mining rules &7» &4Warn - 2nd time 7d Ban" to act unstealable
Ignore the "Act unstealable" i tried it
[doublepost=1506066862,1506066528][/doublepost]Also this line
create a gui slot 4 of player with sign named "&6&lMatch Info" with lore "&3Match Name &7» &e%{matchname}%||&3Host &7» &e%{uhchost}%||&3Teamsize &7» &e%{Teamsize}%||&3Scenarios &7» &e%{matchscenarios}%"
The plugin doesn't like it sometimes it shows up sometimes it doens't
[doublepost=1506067134][/doublepost]oh nvm i was using an older plugin version lol