TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more!

Addon TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! 1.8.2

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change create to make
this seems to be a bug with skript itself bc other syntax from other addons are also have the load issue when using create

just avoid create in general if you can for now
Mhm, I was already using "make" for everything except for the "create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&6&lLucky Case":".. which I can't replace with make as it would throw a syntax error.. :/
@Tuke_Nuke - Is there any way to fix the loading bug?
All of my GUI scripts take extreme amounts of times to load - it even made my server startup take 30+ minutes (from 1-2 minutes). It's happening with both the simple and advanced method of making GUI's :/

Running latest Skript, TuSke on mc 1.12
I've heard about that issue recently. I will see when I can work on it to find what's causing it, since that's a recent issue which mostly was working before updating TuSKe, probably related to latest Skript/Minecraft version? I don't know. It would be helpful if you could provide these info.
I've heard about that issue recently. I will see when I can work on it to find what's causing it, since that's a recent issue which mostly was working before updating TuSKe, probably related to latest Skript/Minecraft version? I don't know. It would be helpful if you could provide these info.
O god, I'm so sorry for not replying earlier. I found out afterwards that it was being caused by like a 1-line of code within my GUI effect.. TuSke is running like a charm now :emoji_slight_smile:
O god, I'm so sorry for not replying earlier. I found out afterwards that it was being caused by like a 1-line of code within my GUI effect.. TuSke is running like a charm now :emoji_slight_smile:
Thank you and no problem, feel free to report anything that you think is not working as it should.
Hey man it seems the unstealable isnt working for me
        if arg-1 is not set:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "&c&lUHC Config" to player
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 4 of player with sign named "&6&lMatch Info" with lore "&3Match Name &7» &e%{matchname}%||&3Host &7» &e%{uhchost}%||&3Teamsize &7» &e%{Teamsize}%||&3Scenarios &7» &e%{matchscenarios}%"
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 10 of player with redstone named "&c&lGame Rules" with lore "&3Xray &7» &4Not allowed||&3ToggleSneak &7» &4Not allowed||&3ToggleSprint &7» &aAllowed||&3IPvP &7» &eAfter PvP enabled||&3CrossTeaming &7» &4Not allowed||&3Stalking &7» &aAllowed&4 but not excessively||&3Towering &7» &aAllowed&4 until meetup" to act unstealable
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 28 of player with iron pickaxe named "&c&lMining Rules" with lore "&3Stripmining &7» &aY32+ Only||&3Staircasing &7» &aAllowed &7(&eNo random turns&7)||&3Pokeholing &7» &4Not allowed||&3Sounds &7» &aAllowed||" to act unstealable
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 16 of player with paper named "&c&lChat Rules" with lore "&3Harrasment,Dox,DDOS &7» &4Not allowed||&3Advertising &7» &4Not allowed||&3Spamming &7» &4Not allowed||&3Impersonation (/nick) &7» &4Not allowed||&3Hackusate &7» &4Not allowed &7(&eUse /helpop&7)" to act unstealable
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 34 of player with tnt named "&c&lPunishments" with lore "&3Game rules &7» &414d Ban||&3Chat rules &7» &47d Mute||&3Mining rules &7» &4Warn - 2nd time 7d Ban" to act unstealable
Ignore the "Act unstealable" i tried it
[doublepost=1506066862,1506066528][/doublepost]Also this line
create a gui slot 4 of player with sign named "&6&lMatch Info" with lore "&3Match Name &7» &e%{matchname}%||&3Host &7» &e%{uhchost}%||&3Teamsize &7» &e%{Teamsize}%||&3Scenarios &7» &e%{matchscenarios}%"
The plugin doesn't like it sometimes it shows up sometimes it doens't
[doublepost=1506067134][/doublepost]oh nvm i was using an older plugin version lol
Hey man it seems the unstealable isnt working for me
        if arg-1 is not set:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "&c&lUHC Config" to player
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 4 of player with sign named "&6&lMatch Info" with lore "&3Match Name &7» &e%{matchname}%||&3Host &7» &e%{uhchost}%||&3Teamsize &7» &e%{Teamsize}%||&3Scenarios &7» &e%{matchscenarios}%"
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 10 of player with redstone named "&c&lGame Rules" with lore "&3Xray &7» &4Not allowed||&3ToggleSneak &7» &4Not allowed||&3ToggleSprint &7» &aAllowed||&3IPvP &7» &eAfter PvP enabled||&3CrossTeaming &7» &4Not allowed||&3Stalking &7» &aAllowed&4 but not excessively||&3Towering &7» &aAllowed&4 until meetup" to act unstealable
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 28 of player with iron pickaxe named "&c&lMining Rules" with lore "&3Stripmining &7» &aY32+ Only||&3Staircasing &7» &aAllowed &7(&eNo random turns&7)||&3Pokeholing &7» &4Not allowed||&3Sounds &7» &aAllowed||" to act unstealable
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 16 of player with paper named "&c&lChat Rules" with lore "&3Harrasment,Dox,DDOS &7» &4Not allowed||&3Advertising &7» &4Not allowed||&3Spamming &7» &4Not allowed||&3Impersonation (/nick) &7» &4Not allowed||&3Hackusate &7» &4Not allowed &7(&eUse /helpop&7)" to act unstealable
            wait 5 tick
            create a gui slot 34 of player with tnt named "&c&lPunishments" with lore "&3Game rules &7» &414d Ban||&3Chat rules &7» &47d Mute||&3Mining rules &7» &4Warn - 2nd time 7d Ban" to act unstealable
Ignore the "Act unstealable" i tried it
[doublepost=1506066862,1506066528][/doublepost]Also this line
create a gui slot 4 of player with sign named "&6&lMatch Info" with lore "&3Match Name &7» &e%{matchname}%||&3Host &7» &e%{uhchost}%||&3Teamsize &7» &e%{Teamsize}%||&3Scenarios &7» &e%{matchscenarios}%"
The plugin doesn't like it sometimes it shows up sometimes it doens't
[doublepost=1506067134][/doublepost]oh nvm i was using an older plugin version lol

Regardless the last thing, is because sign in Skript can be a sing item or a sign block, which Skript randomly choose one depending of case. In case of GUIs, It only accepts sign item, so make sure to use anything similiar as item, like cake item, wooden door item...
Let me know if you have any other issues.

Hello @Tuke_Nuke ,
Can you add single player and npc prefix support?
WildSkript adds it already https://www.skunity.com/search?search=Individual+Tag but it resets the colors of the tab...
Could you correct that?

If I'm not wrong, it is purely scoreboard, there is a bunch of addons already that does support scoreboards. I never used scoreboards actually but I think you have to create teams for each different tags that you want, them you change the teams prefix/suffix and them add the players in that team.
Hey, is there any built-in way to prevent players from modifying gui menus? Also while trying to clear drops of a block I seem to get an error "Cant use cancel drops outside of death or break event" even though it's a break event.
Hey, is there any built-in way to prevent players from modifying gui menus? Also while trying to clear drops of a block I seem to get an error "Cant use cancel drops outside of death or break event" even though it's a break event.
Are you sure you have minecraft 1.12.1 or higher for cancel drops in on break event?

Currently, the one way to prevent players fro modifying guis are format blank slots with air, so they can't place items in, if it is what you meant.

TuSKe isnt working with the latest version of bensku fork. :emoji_worried:
It dont notice the gui create.

Fixed already, make an update in a minute.
Tuke_Nuke updated TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! with a new update entry:

Internal Changes

  • Fixed conflicts with Skript dev32+.
  • Fixed issues from issues tacker.
  • Added support to use a list of permissions in execute command with permission effect.
    execute player command "/cmd" with permissions "first.permission" and "second.permission"
Internal changes:
  • Changed documentation generator system, cleaned the code and added...

Read the rest of this update entry...
So im trying to make a kit creator with a chest interface but whenever i try to delete a gui it will still open it again, basically the delete gui passage does nothing
any way around this or a quick fix?

command /editkit <string>:
        permission: mel.createkit
                if gui "%arg-1%" is set:
                        open gui "%arg-1%" to player
                        create gui "%arg-1%" with chest with 3 rows named "&2Edit Kit ""&a&l%arg-1%&2"""
                        open last created gui to player

command /deletekit <string>:
        permission: mel.createkit
                if gui "%arg-1%" is set:
                        delete gui "%arg-1%"
                        send "deleted kit %arg-1%"
                        send "this kit doesn't exist"
set {_w::*} to regex split arg 1 with pattern "^[A-Za-z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]{1,9}$"
{_w::*} = null
Is my writing incorrect?