TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more!

Addon TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! 1.8.2

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I'm getting these two errors:

on skript load:
    #singe enchantment
    register a new custom enchantment with id name "Singe"
    set {_enchantment.1} to "Singe" parsed as custom enchantment
    set max level of {_enchantment.1} to 1
    set rarity of {_enchantment.1} to 5
    set accepted items for {_enchantment.1} to "Pickaxes", "Axes" and "Shovels"
    set lore name of {_enchantment.1} to "Singe I"
    set enabled for {_enchantment.1} to true
    set conflicts for {_enchantment.1} to silk_touch and fortune
    register a new custom enchantment with id name "Decapator"
    set {_enchantment.2} to "Decapator" parsed as custom enchantment
    set max level of {_enchantment.2} to 1
    set rarity of {_enchantment.2} to 5
    set accepted items for {_enchantment.2} to "Swords" and "Bows"
    set lore name of {_enchantment.2} to "Decapator I"
    set enabled for {_enchantment.2} to true
    #set conflicts for {_enchantment.2} to looting

    reload all custom enchantments
on mine of iron ore:
    if player's held tool has custom enchantment Singe:
        cancel event
        set event-block to chest
        add 1 iron ingot to event-block
        set event-block to air
        add 1 to the data value of player's held tool
command /reloadenchantments:
        reload all custom enchantments
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@Vexio Currently you can't set conflicts with vanilla enchantments. It is planned to 1.7.2 (Cause 1.7.1 I will upload in few hours).
Tuke_Nuke updated TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! with a new update entry:

Update 1.7.1: Full recipe support, GUI Manager remade part one and general stuffs.

I was off for a few months ago, and I couldn't make weekly updates. But here I am.

Some of these things aren't new if you was using some beta releases. I plan to release some beta versions before release some big stuffs, so if you want to know what's new, just check there.

  • Recipe support.
  • Damage modifiers.
  • A regex type.
  • Added general stuffs.
  • Fixed lot of things.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I want to use the last damage, but there are some problems :emoji_persevere:
on death of player:
    last damage cause is attack
    damage cause is lava
    set death message to "%victim%  tried to swim in lava while trying to escape from %last entity damage of player%"

[13:00:05 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading 1.sk...
[13:00:05 INFO]: entity: player
[13:00:05 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: last damage cause is attack (1.sk, line 307: last damage cause is attack')
[13:00:05 ERROR]: Can't understand this expression: last entity damage of player (1.sk, line 309: set death message to "%victim%  tried to swim in lava while trying to escape from %last entity damage of player%"')
[13:00:06 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 2 errors while reloading 1.sk!

[13:04:34 INFO]: [TuSKe] Disabling TuSKe v1.7
[13:04:34 INFO]: [Skellett] Disabling Skellett v1.7.9b
[13:04:34 INFO]: [skRayFall] Disabling skRayFall v1.9.7
[13:04:34 INFO]: [skRayFall] Bacon has been eaten. Make some more soon!
[13:04:34 INFO]: [Citizens] Disabling Citizens v2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1470)
[13:04:34 INFO]: [SkStuff] Disabling SkStuff v1.6.4
[13:04:34 INFO]: [SkStuff] SkStuff 1.6.4 has been successfully disabled.
[13:04:34 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Disabling ProtocolLib v4.2.1-SNAPSHOT-b346
[13:04:34 INFO]: [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
[13:04:34 INFO]: [SkQuery] Disabling SkQuery v3.5.5-Lime
[13:04:34 INFO]: [skUtilities] Disabling skUtilities v0.8.9
[13:04:34 INFO]: [skDragon] Disabling skDragon v0.13.1
[13:04:34 INFO]: §3[§bskDragon§3] §aPlugin is now disabled. Most likely you shut down or reset your server
[13:04:34 INFO]: [SQLibrary] Disabling SQLibrary v7.1
[13:04:34 INFO]: SQLibrary stopped.
[13:04:34 INFO]: [Skript] Disabling Skript v2.2-dev23
@xbxy The syntax is that
last damage cause of %entity%
%entity%'s last damage cause

The last entity damage of player was supposed to be the last attacker of the entity. I added it in the example in the docs, but actually this expression was never added lol.

I will try to update it in some hours (while I finish other things), and also include that expression too.
@xbxy The syntax is that
last damage cause of %entity%
%entity%'s last damage cause

The last entity damage of player was supposed to be the last attacker of the entity. I added it in the example in the docs, but actually this expression was never added lol.

I will try to update it in some hours (while I finish other things), and also include that expression too.
Thank you, I found that this can only detect the final damage type, and can not detect who caused the damage
Tuke_Nuke updated TuSKe - Custom Enchantments, GUI Manager and more! with a new update entry:

Update 1.7.2: Fixed GUI function effect and new expression.

[#] Fixed effects/expressions related to functions:

Some effects was using a workaround to make possible to get a function (in GUI Manager specifically) and it was bugging sometimes when the function has complex parameters (more than one parameter or/and list parameters).
For GUI Manager: Now it's possible to run a function even if it wasn't loaded yet or is below the code.
So it's possible to make like this:
make gui slot 0 of player with stone to run function...

Read the rest of this update entry...
        open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "test" to player
        create a gui slot 0 of player with green wool block to run function join(player, "1")
I found that the player can put their own items into the virtual inventory
Use 'TuSKe' code
How best to prevent players put items:emoji_slight_smile:

The following code just let players fall out of the hands of items
Will not be deducted from the player's inventory?
on right click:
    make player drops 1 of held item from his inventory

There's a problem with this code
create a gui slot 1 of player with potato to close with left click

[01:53:36 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: create a gui slot 1 of player with potato to close with left click (1.sk, line 54: create a gui slot 1 of player with potato to close with left click')
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@xbxy I did a tutorial about the GUI Manager yesterday, you can check it here.
To make it possible, you just have to format a slot with air item, as it will make a "locked slot", where he can't place items on it.
For example, you can make like this after you've formatted all of your slots:

loop integers from 0 to 53: #You can change this '53' to max size of your inventory if you want.
    if slot loop-integer of player is not a gui: #It will only check for slots that doesn't have any gui setted.
        make a gui slot loop-integer of player with air

The effect to drop a item was one of the first thing I did and I forgot about this possibility.
I will add a possibility to remove from a slot too. For now, you can just remove the "from his inventory",
as it will make the player to only shoot the item.

make player drops 1 of held item
remove 1 of held item from held item

And for the last issue, which is your Skript and server's version?
@xbxy I did a tutorial about the GUI Manager yesterday, you can check it here.
To make it possible, you just have to format a slot with air item, as it will make a "locked slot", where he can't place items on it.
For example, you can make like this after you've formatted all of your slots:

loop integers from 0 to 53: #You can change this '53' to max size of your inventory if you want.
    if slot loop-integer of player is not a gui: #It will only check for slots that doesn't have any gui setted.
        make a gui slot loop-integer of player with air

The effect to drop a item was one of the first thing I did and I forgot about this possibility.
I will add a possibility to remove from a slot too. For now, you can just remove the "from his inventory",
as it will make the player to only shoot the item.

make player drops 1 of held item
remove 1 of held item from held item

And for the last issue, which is your Skript and server's version?
        loop integers between 0 and 53:
            if slot loop-number of player is not a gui:
                make a gui slot loop-number of player with air
Use the code you provide, so that players can not place
But I feel weird:emoji_smile:

effect to drop a item At present there is no problem, but may be able to simulate the function of biological movement? Or attack?

The last question I'm running on 1.11.2
create a gui slot 1 of player with potato to close with left click
[01:53:36 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: create a gui slot 1 of player with potato to close with left click (1.sk, line 54: create a gui slot 1 of player with potato to close with left click')

[11:55:22 INFO]: [TuSKe] Disabling TuSKe v1.7.2
[11:55:22 INFO]: [Skellett] Disabling Skellett v1.7.9b
[11:55:22 INFO]: [skRayFall] Disabling skRayFall v1.9.7
[11:55:22 INFO]: [skRayFall] Bacon has been eaten. Make some more soon!
[11:55:22 INFO]: [Citizens] Disabling Citizens v2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1470)
[11:55:22 INFO]: [SkStuff] Disabling SkStuff v1.6.4
[11:55:22 INFO]: [SkStuff] SkStuff 1.6.4 has been successfully disabled.
[11:55:22 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Disabling ProtocolLib v4.2.1-SNAPSHOT-b346
[11:55:22 INFO]: [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
[11:55:22 INFO]: [SkQuery] Disabling SkQuery v3.5.5-Lime
[11:55:22 INFO]: [skUtilities] Disabling skUtilities v0.8.9
[11:55:22 INFO]: [skDragon] Disabling skDragon v0.13.1
[11:55:22 INFO]: §3[§bskDragon§3] §aPlugin is now disabled. Most likely you shut down or reset your server
[11:55:22 INFO]: [SQLibrary] Disabling SQLibrary v7.1
[11:55:22 INFO]: SQLibrary stopped.
[11:55:22 INFO]: [Skript] Disabling Skript v2.2-dev23
According to the code, it should be to click on the stone to give players a stone, click on the mud to give players the soil
But I found he could only give the player dirt

I added 'wait 20 ticks' for testing

Found that this part will be covered
function shop(player, "%loop-index%")

Stone first "a1"
But in the end it will be covered as "a2"
function shop(p:player, t:text):
    send "%{_t}%" to {_p}
    give {shop.item1::%{_t}%} to {_p}

        set {shop.slot1::a1} to 9
        set {shop.item1::a1} to stone named "石头" with lore "hehe"
        set {shop.slot1::a2} to 10
        set {shop.item1::a2} to grass block named "泥土" with lore "hehe"
        open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "shop" to player
        format gui slot 1 of player with Glowing stone named "方块"
        loop {shop.slot1::*}:
            #wait 20 ticks
            format gui slot {shop.slot1::%loop-index%} of player with {shop.item1::%loop-index%} to run function shop(player, "%loop-index%")
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Could you give me a example or more details for 'biological movemente'?

create a gui slot 1 of player with potato to close with left click
As you are using Bensku's fork, it has a different value for the left click. Go to the tutorial that've I linked to you and see the spoiler related to Bensku's fork or go to Bensku's documentation (here) and search for click action

For the last issue, I already found it here. I'm making a final test and I will update it in some minutes. Thank's for reporting.
Could you give me a example or more details for 'biological movemente'?

create a gui slot 1 of player with potato to close with left click
As you are using Bensku's fork, it has a different value for the left click. Go to the tutorial that've I linked to you and see the spoiler related to Bensku's fork or go to Bensku's documentation (here) and search for click action

For the last issue, I already found it here. I'm making a final test and I will update it in some minutes. Thank's for reporting.
The time difference between foreigners and we really big difference, your reply I waited for more than a dozen hours, I now want to sleep, and then get it tomorrow:emoji_smile:
The time difference between foreigners and we really big difference, your reply I waited for more than a dozen hours, I now want to sleep, and then get it tomorrow:emoji_smile:
Sorry but it's just the time zones. It was 2am here, I couldn't wake up for that :emoji_sweat_smile:
#I found this could not detect whether the player has a stone
function tttt(p:player):
    if {_p} has stones:
        give 64 stones to {_p}
    send "no" to {_p}
command /x:

#The following code
#Can not detect the player's items

format gui slot 1 of player with stone to run function tttt({_p})
I use skript is dev-23
When I found out, I thought it was skript
I upgraded to skript dev-24
But still not
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@xbxy What's your complete code? You are using a local variable and you need to be sure that it is setted to something.
Also, what did you tried?It is just a code and you've pointed that isn't working.
@xbxy What's your complete code? You are using a local variable and you need to be sure that it is setted to something.
Also, what did you tried?It is just a code and you've pointed that isn't working.

Just like the code below
Click to check whether the player has a clay block
The problem is that there is no detection of the clay block
function shop(p:player, s:string, s1:string):
    if {_p} has {shop.buy%{_s}%::%{_s1}%}:
        remove {shop.buy%{_s}%::%{_s1}%} from {_p}
        give {shop.item%{_s}%::%{_s1}%} to {_p}
    send "no" to {_p}
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In the function "shop", debug all the values to make sure they are sending correctly.
If it does, try to change the condition:
if {_p}'s inventory has {shop.biu%{_s}%::{_s1}}:
In the function "shop", debug all the values to make sure they are sending correctly.
If it does, try to change the condition:
if {_p}'s inventory has {shop.biu%{_s}%::{_s1}}:
Thank you. The problem is solved:emoji_smile:
[doublepost=1488291919][/doublepost]My little game server has a judgment
When the observer crossed the border
Will move
Use the original command to set the boundary
Instead of plug-ins
I found that by following this writing sometimes judgment will be delayed
So I would like to ask whether it is possible to create a test player over the boundaries of things?
Or call the plugin WorldBorder boundaries?

every 1 second:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player's gamemode is spectator:
function checksp(p:player):
    if -5.1 > y-coordinate of {_p}'s location:
        teleport {_p} to {loc}
    if 260.1 < y-coordinate of {_p}'s location:
        teleport {_p} to {loc}
    if 105.1 < x-coordinate of {_p}'s location:
        teleport {_p} to {loc}
    if -104.1 > x-coordinate of {_p}'s location:
        teleport {_p} to {loc}
    if -104.1 > z-coordinate of {_p}'s location:
        teleport {_p} to {loc}
    if 105.1 < z-coordinate of {_p}'s location:
        teleport {_p} to {loc}
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