Hey! I'm new here. I've got an script that's executing luckperms commands and playsound with title/subtitle
I would like it to get executed on whole network.
Could you please help me to rewrite it for skungee?
I would be so happy, and thankful <3
changing it to bungee players didn't work...
I would like it to get executed on whole network.
Could you please help me to rewrite it for skungee?
changing it to bungee players didn't work...
command /rangaperm <text> <player>:
permission: permisja.rangaperm
permission message: &cNie posiadasz dost? do tej komendy.
if arg-1 is "sponsor":
execute console command "lp user %arg-2% parent set sponsor"
execute console command "lpb user %arg-2% parent set sponsor"
play sound "minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.death" with volume 0.3 and pitch 0.8 at bungee players for bungee players
send " &8>> &b&lCre&d&led &6&lRANKS &8<<"
send "&8>> &aGracz &c%arg-2% &7zakupil range &a&lS&b&lP&c&lO&d&lN&e&lS&f&lO&9&lR &7na &aZAWSZE&7!", "&8>> &aWspomaga &7nasz serwer!", "&8>> &7Ty rowniez mozesz!" and "&8>> &aITEMSHOP: &ahttp://creedmc.pl" to bungee players
send subtitle "&8>> &aGracz &c%arg-2% &7zakupil range &a&lS&b&lP&c&lO&d&lN&e&lS&f&lO&9&lR&7! &8<<" to bungee players for 6 seconds
wait 7 seconds
play sound "minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.3 and pitch 0.6 at bungee players for bungee players
play sound "minecraft:entity.player.levelup" with volume 0.1 and pitch 0.6 at bungee players for bungee players
send subtitle "&8>> &6&lDZIEKUJEMY ZA WSPARCIE! &8<<" to bungee players