Skellett - The beast addon!

Addon Skellett - The beast addon! 2.0.10

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I got it working now LimeGlass, I had a little trouble understanding what you meant by custom meta.

This is the operational code:
    if arg 1 is "imprimir" or "print":
      if size of {mail::%player%::*} = 0:
        message "[&cMail&r] &aVocê não tem nenhuma mensagem para imprimir!"
      if player's tool is a book:
        remove 1 of the player's tool from the player's tool
        set {_tmpO} to now
        set {_pages} to 1
        set {_imprimir} to a written_book with custom NBT "{generation:0,author:""MailBot"",title:""&bMail do &c%player% &b- %day of month from date {_tmpO}%/%month from date {_tmpO}%/%year from date {_tmpO}%"",resolved:1b}"
        loop {mail::%player%::*}:
          set {_remetentes::*} to "&9%loop-value%"
        add page "Lista de remetentes:%nl%%{_remetentes::*}%" to {_imprimir}
        loop {mail::%player%::*}:
          loop {mail::%player%::%loop-value%::*}:
            add 1 to {_pages}
            add page "%loop-value-2%" to {_imprimir}
            if {_pages} = 50:
              message "[&cMail&r] &aA impressão é limitada em 50 páginas. Parando impressão."
              give {_imprimir} to player
        give {_imprimir} to player
        message "[&cMail&r] &aA impressão foi finalizada com sucesso!"
        clear {_remetentes}
        clear {_imprimir}
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Hi @LimeGlass !

Can you give me an example with holo support?
I tested all syntaxes and I always get "can't understand this condition/effect".

I'm on Spigot 1.11.2, Skellett 1.8.8a and I added Holograms 2.4.1. I activated the hook on config.

And last question, have you a syntax like "create bound holo object" (follow entity) in skrayfall?

Thank you! :emoji_slight_smile:
Hi @LimeGlass !

Can you give me an example with holo support?
I tested all syntaxes and I always get "can't understand this condition/effect".

I'm on Spigot 1.11.2, Skellett 1.8.8a and I added Holograms 2.4.1. I activated the hook on config.

And last question, have you a syntax like "create bound holo object" (follow entity) in skrayfall?

Thank you! :emoji_slight_smile:
You need to enable the Hologram option in the in Skellett config.yml

And here is the update note with examples and most syntax.

You can just manually loop the hologram to an entity to make something like this.

I have a addon called HoloAddon, which is an addon for 100% support of HolographicDisplays. It's a private addon I made but I might clean it up and make it public sometime.
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Hi @LimeGlass

Thanks a lot! I had activated the hook in the config but my syntaxes was bad. Now it works :emoji_grinning:
Your hologram integration works very well, better than others! Holograms is a better choice than HolographicDisplay.
I do not need your private addon at the moment, but thank you!
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Hey Lime!
When i use this
set metadata "NPC" of spawned villager to "true"
i can't use
on right click on villager:
how can i control the interact?

I also tried this
on right click on entity:
    if metadata "NPC" of target's entity is "true":
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Hey Lime!
When i use this
set metadata "NPC" of spawned villager to "true"
i can't use
on right click on villager:
how can i control the interact?

I also tried this
on right click on entity:
    if metadata "NPC" of target's entity is "true":
use event-entity or clicked entity
on right click on entity:
    if metadata "NPC" of clicked entity is "true":
Also it doesn't have to be a string. It can litterally be a boolean if you want.
LimeGlass updated Skellett - The addon with a beast name with a new update entry:

Interactive books and 1.12 actionbars!

- Json/Interactive clickable books
- Expression to get a blank book
- Added indexes of list variable

- Actionbars not working in 1.12
- Fixed 3 Citizen 1.8 issues (Released in 1.9.3 on github)

1.12 todo list:
- Add 1.12 support for the titles
- Add 1.12 support for tablist
- Add 1.12 support for removing of arrows in player

Todo with text components:
- Add text component support for Bensku's json
- Add text component support for SkellettProxy...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Has anyone got an idea how to use the scoreboard support?
Trying to integrate an already-made scoreboard team into Skript so I can add and remove people in it for a gamemode (nametag hiding)
The Docs hasn't really done much to help me though, any pointers?
Hello Lime,
I think this syntax is broken:

play skellett sound ENTITY_GHAST_SCREAM at event-location with volume 1 and pitch 0.1

No error in console, but no sound is played.
Hello Lime,
I think this syntax is broken:

play skellett sound ENTITY_GHAST_SCREAM at event-location with volume 1 and pitch 0.1

No error in console, but no sound is played.
Try it in a string. Some versions are weird

play "ENTITY_GHAST_SCREAM" at event-location with volume 1 and pitch 0.1
Also make sure event-location is an actual location and that it's set.
MySQL: true
SQLite: false
ClassPath: "jdbc:mysql://"
allowMultiQueries: true
PasswordSyntax: false
  Host: "localhost"
  Port: 3306
  Username: "root"
  Password: "xbxy"
  Database: "game"
This is my mysql.yml configuration
I can access any content of the 'game' database directly
But I now add a total of 'game1' databases
In the latest version of Skellett
How do I access the 'game1' database
use event-entity or clicked entity
on right click on entity:
    if metadata "NPC" of clicked entity is "true":
Also it doesn't have to be a string. It can litterally be a boolean if you want.
How can i get npc's name?

on npc click:
 if ... ?
How can i get npc's name?

on npc click:
 if ... ?
on right click on entity:
    if clicked entity is a citizen:
        set {_npc} to npc from entity clicked entity
        if name of npc {_npc} is "Something":
Do you think you could ever add some type of way to set the player's mining speed?
No, it's not possible.
MySQL: true
SQLite: false
ClassPath: "jdbc:mysql://"
allowMultiQueries: true
PasswordSyntax: false
  Host: "localhost"
  Port: 3306
  Username: "root"
  Password: "xbxy"
  Database: "game"
This is my mysql.yml configuration
I can access any content of the 'game' database directly
But I now add a total of 'game1' databases
In the latest version of Skellett
How do I access the 'game1' database
on right click on entity:
    if clicked entity is a citizen:
        set {_npc} to npc from entity clicked entity
        if name of npc {_npc} is "Something":
Its working when i spawn the npc after 1-2 seconds doesn't work.
My NPC Spawn code:
set {_npc} to a npc with name "&6&lBanker" and entity type "VILLAGER"
spawn npc {_npc} at the targeted block
Edit: I fixed with player npc but how can i set npc's skin?
set {_npc} to a npc with name "&6&lBankacı" and entity type "PLAYER"
spawn npc {_npc} at player's location

on right click on entity:
    if clicked entity is a citizen:
        set {_npc} to npc from entity clicked entity
        if name of npc {_npc} is "&6&lBankacı":
            execute player command "banka"
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