Hello! I found a skript where you can summon a NPC around you. The problem is, I want it for the admins to be able to summon a killaura bot around players.
[doublepost=1596381923,1596381851][/doublepost]And what I want is to send a message to the staff member who summoned the bot when they hit the bot
function circleBot(p: player):
set {_n} to npc named "%random integer between 100000 and 999999%" "PLAYER"
set fly of npc {_n} to true
set protect of npc {_n} to false
spawn npc {_n} at location of {_p} ~ vector 2, 0, 0
set {_e} to entity from npc {_n}
set gravity of {_e} to false
add {_e} to {bots::*}
loop 5 times:
loop 360 times:
set {_ploc} to location of {_p}
set {_v} to vector from yaw loop-number-2 and pitch 0
set vector length of {_v} to 2
teleport {_e} to {_ploc} ~ {_v}
mod(loop-number-2, 12) = 0
wait 1 tick
remove {_e} from {bots::*}
remove npc {_n}
on damage:
{bots::*} contains victim
attacker is set
attacker is a player
send "You hit a bot!" to attacker
command /bot: