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  1. Palgia

    Script SkCollections ⛏ - Create collections like Hypixel! 1.2

    Create collections like Hypixel! Addons requipred: SkBee, Skript-reflect Skripts required: SkItemCreator ✔ Create categories ✔ Create collections inside categories ✔Pagination system ✔ Fancy GUI ✔Allows to see ANY craft of any item ✔ Experience system (get XP to progress) ✔ Fully customizable...
  2. A

    Gun reloading skript

    Im making a gun like the one from hypixel zombies but it only says "hi" in chat when i left click and the ammo is low: on left click: if the player is holding {pistolchamber.%player%} of {pistol}: send "hi" set {_dura} to the durability of the player's tool set...
  3. A


    So i am trying to make a skript where you hold shift and every second it will repair a window It should be able to repair them by holding shift and every second the empty window (air) will be filled 1 block at a time every second while shifting and it should repair the window from top left to...
  4. A


    So i am trying to make a skript where you hold shift and every second it will repair a window It should be able to repair them by holding shift and every second the empty window (air) will be filled 1 block at a time every second while shifting and it should repair the window from top left to...
  5. A

    Sword that damages all enities but not player

    hello, I would like a sword that damages all entities in a certain radius but if I use damage all entities, it damages the player too. any fixes? Code will be below. on right click: if player's tool is iron sword named "&6Scylla": if {-p::%uuid of player%::hype} is true...
  6. Ali Tuna BAYLAN

    Block/Unblock Command on Server Skript

    Usage: /blockcmd [command], /unblockcmd [command] Example: /blockcmd help on command: if {blockcmd::*} contains command: cancel event send "This command is blocked." command /blockcmd <text>: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is set: if...
  7. Ali Tuna BAYLAN

    Simple Broadcast Skript

    Usage: /br [text], /b [text], /broadcast [text], /bc [text] command /broadcast <text>: permission: op aliases: /br, /broadcast, /bc, /b trigger: broadcast "&f[&b%player%&f]: &a%arg-1%"
  8. Ali Tuna BAYLAN

    /tpa Skript

    Usage: /tpa [playername] command /tpa [<player>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is online: if {tpalist::*} contains arg-1: send "&a%arg-1% &falready have a tpa request pending." else: if arg-1 is...
  9. Jonathan Cohen

    Music Skript

    Category: Music Skript Suggested name: Doesn't matter Spigot/Skript Version: Doesn't matter What I want: A skript that just plays random notes at a diffrent frequency each time you execute the command. Somne tones like the soul well in the hypixel skywars lobby Ideas for commands: /sound...
  10. I

    Sinseeker Scythe

    Hello everyone. I am trying to develop a script for the "Sinseeker Scythe" found on Hypixel. Link to what it looks like: (Minikloon, a Hypixel admin.). Unfortunately, I have run into errors with my own script. It will only draw one line at a time, not multiple. Any solutions? Thanks -...
  11. G

    frozen scythe like from hypixel skyblock

    so im trying to re-create the frozen scythe from hypixel skyblock in skript. so basically what is does is it shoots a couple of armor stands holding blocks of ice, in like a dart formation, and it deals damage and slows things. There are also like snow/spit particles. This is my current code...
  12. E

    Hypixel SkyBlock Aiming

    Hey, I want to do the aiming of Hypixel SkyBlock. you shoot with a bow and the arrow flies normally when there is a mob on the way. Then he changes the direction and flies to him. If he moves he follows him
  13. B

    I am re-making bridge duels from hypixel

    basically, I want it so when {player.1} dies, it cancels the event and teleports them to (231, 152, -195, world). right now (no error message), it cancels the event but doesn't teleport {player.1} . please help #The duel command command /bridgeduel <player>: trigger: # putting players into...
  14. P

    Solved Custom Workbench

    Is it able to make a custom workbench like at hypixel skyblock and if so, how? Thanks for your answers! :)
  15. B

    Solved KillAura Bot skript

    Hello! I found a skript where you can summon a NPC around you. The problem is, I want it for the admins to be able to summon a killaura bot around players. function circleBot(p: player): set {_n} to npc named "%random integer between 100000 and 999999%" "PLAYER" set fly of npc {_n} to...
  16. H

    Dragon Rider

    Category: Vehicle Suggested name: Dragon Rider Spigot/Skript Version: Spigot 1.8.8/Skript 2.2 Dev25 What I want: Hi!, im wanting to ride a ender dragon but i want to make the ender dragon pushed forward at player direction. like this: Ideas for commands: /dragon Ideas for permissions...
  17. P

    Custom crafting recipe

    Hi,I want to script an object that is in Hypixel SkyBlock (golem armor). Unfortunately, I do not know how to do it, that you can only craft the item once you have reached the required "iron level".Is it possible to ask script for a player's Iron Level with a variable, for example on crafting...
  18. dreike

    Solved Hypixel Skyblock Collection Skript (Error)

    So, I'm remaking the Hypixel Skyblock Collection but for rankup. And sometimes, when I try to open the wheat collection, the Wheat is not there. :/ > Code: https://pastebin.com/CC6SGMTz > Print: (When it works) (when it doesnt)
  19. U

    [Hypixel] Bow Messages

    This is a simple Skript that can be used in a variety of game modes to show a player's health when they are shot. An example of how you could use this Skript includes: ■ In game modes such as Skywars or Survival games. ■ Factions ■ And many other mini-games or game modes! This Skript...