Sinseeker Scythe

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Apr 20, 2020
Hello everyone. I am trying to develop a script for the "Sinseeker Scythe" found on Hypixel. Link to what it looks like:
(Minikloon, a Hypixel admin.).

Unfortunately, I have run into errors with my own script. It will only draw one line at a time, not multiple. Any solutions? Thanks

- Mythikloon


on right click holding Gold Hoe:
if name of player's tool is "&cSin&5seeker Scythe":
# Defining the variables
set {playerloc.%player%} to the location 1 meter above the player
set {particleVariable.%player%} to "Random integer between 1 and 1000"
set {baselocation1.%player%} to the location 1 meter above and 4 meters infront of the player
set {playersinseeker.%player%} to the location 1 meter above and 4 meters infront of player
# Debugging
teleport player to {playersinseeker.%player%}
drawLine particle redstone, center {playerloc.%player%}, target location at {playersinseeker.%player%}, id "{particleVariable.%player%}", solid true, density 30, visibleRange 50, pulseDelay 1

command /sinseekerdebug:
permission: ADMIN
stopEffect ID "{particleVariable.%player%}"
send "&cDebugging..."
Hello everyone. I am trying to develop a script for the "Sinseeker Scythe" found on Hypixel. Link to what it looks like:
(Minikloon, a Hypixel admin.).

Unfortunately, I have run into errors with my own script. It will only draw one line at a time, not multiple. Any solutions? Thanks

- Mythikloon


on right click holding Gold Hoe:
if name of player's tool is "&cSin&5seeker Scythe":
# Defining the variables
set {playerloc.%player%} to the location 1 meter above the player
set {particleVariable.%player%} to "Random integer between 1 and 1000"
set {baselocation1.%player%} to the location 1 meter above and 4 meters infront of the player
set {playersinseeker.%player%} to the location 1 meter above and 4 meters infront of player
# Debugging
teleport player to {playersinseeker.%player%}
drawLine particle redstone, center {playerloc.%player%}, target location at {playersinseeker.%player%}, id "{particleVariable.%player%}", solid true, density 30, visibleRange 50, pulseDelay 1

command /sinseekerdebug:
permission: ADMIN
stopEffect ID "{particleVariable.%player%}"
send "&cDebugging..."
You can loop in order to draw more than just one
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