Solved How to update a sign every 3 seconds?

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Oct 1, 2020
Hello, I'm doing a lobby system for my server and I'm stuck with a problem with the sign system: How can I update a sign every 3 seconds so that the sign shows the number of players in a world (and so that the number is updated as well)?
You could do something similar to this
every 3 seconds:
    set {_sign} to block at location 100, 100, 100 in world "world"
    loop all players in world "world":
        add 1 to {_players}
    set line 3 of {_sign} to "%{_players}%"
Obviously update your location, and should be exact (ex, 100.5)
But hopefully this helps, and if theres anything which doesn't make sense i can explain c:
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Okay thanks! I will test it tomorrow
[doublepost=1605029736,1604951170][/doublepost]Thank you very much! I changed the code a bit, but without your help I wouldn't have figured it out!
Can you help me please with this:
on rightclick on a sign:
if line 1 is "&8◆ &cSkyWarsFFA-1 &8◆":
if line 2 is "&8【&a&lONLINE &8】":
make player execute command "swffajoin"

The sign will not work if the number of players is shown on the sign.
I create the join signs with line 1: [swffa]
and line 2: swffa-1 . Then the sign is automatically processed by the number of players and you cannot join with the sign anymore
I restarted the server and now it works, don't know what it is but thanks!
[doublepost=1605036041,1605035948][/doublepost]The problem was me, I only reloaded my LobbySystem but not SkyWarsFFA with the join sign inside
[doublepost=1605036157][/doublepost]Thanks for everything!
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Okay thanks! I will test it tomorrow
[doublepost=1605029736,1604951170][/doublepost]Thank you very much! I changed the code a bit, but without your help I wouldn't have figured it out!

also, for it to be more accurate and less potencially laggy, instad of every 3 seconds:, you could use something like this
on world change:
    wait 1 tick
    # update sign
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