Solved Hex Colors not showing up with LuckPerms prefix in chat.

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Nov 16, 2023
I have a custom chat filter using skript and I am trying to use my custom hex code colored prefixes from LuckPerms in the chat message before the users name.
on chat:
    loop all players:
        if message contains "%loop-player%":
            play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" to loop-player
            replace all "%loop-player%" in message with "&a%loop-player%%{color::%player's uuid%}%"
    set chat format to "%coloured player's prefix% %coloured player's displayname% &8» %{color::%player's uuid%}%%message%"

This is the block that I am using to set the players chat formatting.


This is the result I am getting in chat.


This is what it is supposed to look like and displays properly in the tab list.

Plugins I have installed: Skript 2.7.2, skript-gui 1.3, Skellet 2.0.9, DiSky 4.12.0, MorzazSK 1.3, skript-reflect 2.3, SkQuery 4.1.10, SkBee 2.18.4, Vault 1.7.3-b131, and PlaceholderAPI 2.11.4.
I have a custom chat filter using skript and I am trying to use my custom hex code colored prefixes from LuckPerms in the chat message before the users name.
on chat:
    loop all players:
        if message contains "%loop-player%":
            play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" to loop-player
            replace all "%loop-player%" in message with "&a%loop-player%%{color::%player's uuid%}%"
    set chat format to "%coloured player's prefix% %coloured player's displayname% &8» %{color::%player's uuid%}%%message%"

This is the block that I am using to set the players chat formatting.

View attachment 8076

This is the result I am getting in chat.

View attachment 8077

This is what it is supposed to look like and displays properly in the tab list.

Plugins I have installed: Skript 2.7.2, skript-gui 1.3, Skellet 2.0.9, DiSky 4.12.0, MorzazSK 1.3, skript-reflect 2.3, SkQuery 4.1.10, SkBee 2.18.4, Vault 1.7.3-b131, and PlaceholderAPI 2.11.4.
You will also need to replace all the "&" symbols in the prefix with "§".