Solved "Easy Title" Skript not coloring title & subtitle

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New Member
Dec 26, 2018
So, I'm making an "easy title" skript, which works perfectly except for one small issue. The title and subtitle are never colored. The actionbar will come out colored, but neither the title nor the subtitle will. I find it really weird and I'm wondering if anyone could help me out?
command /easytitle [<text>] [<text>]:
    aliases: etitle, simpletitle, stitle
    permission: duffcraft.easytitle
    permission message: {@nopermission}
        if {temptitle.%player%.title} is not set:
            set {temptitle.%player%.title} to false
        if {temptitle.%player%.subtitle} is not set:
            set {temptitle.%player%.subtitle} to false
        if {temptitle.%player%.actionbar} is not set:
            set {temptitle.%player%.actionbar} to false
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&bUsage: /&eeasytitle &etitle&b|&esubtitle&b|&eactionbar&b|&edelete&b|&etest&b|&esend &b<&etext&b>"
        if arg 1 is "title":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                make player execute command "/etitle"
            message "&eTitle&b set to '&r%colored arg-2%&b'"
            set {temptitle.%player%.title} to arg 2
        if arg 1 is "subtitle":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                make player execute command "/etitle"
            message "&eSubtitle&b set to '&r%colored arg-2%&b'"
            set {temptitle.%player%.subtitle} to arg 2
        if arg 1 is "actionbar":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                make player execute command "/etitle"
            message "&eAction Bar&b set to '&r%colored arg-2%&b'"
            set {temptitle.%player%.actionbar} to arg 2
        if arg 1 is "del" or "delete" or "remove" or "rem":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                message "&bWhich would you like to delete?"
                message "  &cAll"
                if {temptitle.%player%.title} is not false:
                    message "  &cTitle"
                if {temptitle.%player%.subtitle} is not false:
                    message "  &cSubtitle"
                if {temptitle.%player%.actionbar} is not false:
                    message "  &cAction bar"
            if arg 2 is "title" or "all":
                set {temptitle.%player%.title} to false
                message "&bTitle deleted."
            if arg 2 is "subtitle" or "all":
                set {temptitle.%player%.subtitle} to false
                message "&bSubtitle deleted."
            if arg 2 is "actionbar" or "action bar" or "all":
                set {temptitle.%player%.actionbar} to false
                message "&bAction bar deleted."
        if arg 1 is "test":
            set {_title} to "%{temptitle.%player%.title}%"
            set {_subtitle} to "%{temptitle.%player%.subtitle}%"
            set {_actionbar} to "%{temptitle.%player%.actionbar}%"
            if {temptitle.%player%.title} is false:
                set {_title} to "&r"
            if {temptitle.%player%.subtitle} is false:
                set {_subtitle} to "&r"
            if {temptitle.%player%.actionbar} is false:
                set {_actionbar} to "&r"
            send player title "%{_title}%" with subtitle "%{_subtitle}%"
            send a actionbar from "%{_actionbar}%" to player
        if arg 1 is "send":
            set {_title} to "%{temptitle.%player%.title}%"
            set {_subtitle} to "%{temptitle.%player%.subtitle}%"
            set {_actionbar} to "%{temptitle.%player%.actionbar}%"
            if {temptitle.%player%.title} is false:
                set {_title} to "&r"
            if {temptitle.%player%.subtitle} is false:
                set {_subtitle} to "&r"
            if {temptitle.%player%.actionbar} is false:
                set {_actionbar} to "&r"
            loop all players:
                send loop-player title "%{_title}%" with subtitle "%{_subtitle}%"
                send a actionbar from "%{_actionbar}%" to loop-player
[doublepost=1549923170,1549923040][/doublepost]Nevermind, I fixed this myself a moment after posting this. I put the "colored arg-2" in the message instead of the actual setting thing by mistake, whoops
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