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  1. Robi_hi

    When player uses /login command

    Hello! I just wonder how can I make a skript that will send some title to player when he joins (please login... for example), and when he execute /login (password) via authme, new title will pop-up (for example enjoy your stay!) Thanks!
  2. F

    Solved "Easy Title" Skript not coloring title & subtitle

    So, I'm making an "easy title" skript, which works perfectly except for one small issue. The title and subtitle are never colored. The actionbar will come out colored, but neither the title nor the subtitle will. I find it really weird and I'm wondering if anyone could help me out? command...
  3. Vexio

    API TitleAPI v1.4.1

    TitleAPI A simple way of sending titles & subtitles w/o any sk or skQ addons! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features No additional addons (Except for this Skript ofcourse) Three extremely simple...