how could I do something like that in Skript?
My point is, that when you place a sign named "&c&lStaff Sign" it doesn't open the "Edit Sign Message" Menu, it just places the sign and sets the lines of it.
(this code is just an example, it doesn't work)
Also, would I able to do it without a variable?
Thanks for help
how could I do something like that in Skript?
My point is, that when you place a sign named "&c&lStaff Sign" it doesn't open the "Edit Sign Message" Menu, it just places the sign and sets the lines of it.
(this code is just an example, it doesn't work)
set {_staffsign} to oak sign named "&c&lStaff Sign"
set line 1 of {_staffsign} to "&6&lhello"
set line 2 of {_staffsign} to "&chi"
set line 3 of {_staffsign} to "&chi"
set line 4 of {_staffsign} to "&3&l&nLast Line!"
give 1 of {_staffsign} to player
Also, would I able to do it without a variable?
Thanks for help