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  1. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread stopping fireballs from hitting player thats gliding

    how do i prevent a fireball from hitting a player? i have a rocket launcher, and when a player shoots it while using a elytra, it hits the player and boosts them I've tried disabling damage, and spawning the fireball more above the player, but they can still hit theirselves with the fireball...
  2. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Help with mobheads

    i need an example script that can assist me on how to give mob heads special abilities. Posted by: springtg from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  3. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread What i can do to counts and classify blocks in area

    I tried to find it in skript hub and skunity, but I can't figure it out. Can you help me to do this? Posted by: ramyeonkilreojomincan from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  4. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Particle Sphere

    heya, so I'm trying to make a radiation effect around a player if they're holding radioactive material, but rcurrently (as intentioned) the particles are spawned perfectly at the location of the blocks around the player.. Does anyone know if I can give them small random offset with Sovde's...
  5. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread remove on funkcion

    function reloadGun(player: player, a: number): if {reload::%{_player}%} is true: stop set {_ammoAmount} to amount of purple dye in {_player}'s inventory set {reload::%{_player}%} to true send action bar "&dReload&4█████" to {_player} wait 1 second send action bar...
  6. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread make player execute command with a permission

    make player execute command "shopkeeper remote 35" with permission "shopkeeper.remote.use" why isnt this working, and is there any syntax like this i searched all over google, no one has the answer. Posted by: tjj123456 from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  7. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread how can i add a second quest to my quest npc system?

    heres my code: for the past hour or so i've been trying to add a second quest to the system but nothing has seemed to work, im on the verge of giving it up, its so irritating Posted by: prohibit._ from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  8. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread help!

    [10:09:33 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading [10:09:33 INFO]: Line 3: ( [10:09:33 INFO]: '10 glowing diamonds' can't be added to a player because the former is neither an item type, an inventory nor an experience point [10:09:33 INFO]: Line: give player 10 glowing diamonds...
  9. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Can't compare 'set {_filter} to mongosk filter where "playerName"' with a text

    Addon: MongoSK 2.2.1 Server version/ Skript version: PandaSpigot/dev37c Error: Can't compare 'set {_filter} to mongosk filter where "playerName"' with a text (, line 26: set {_filter} to mongosk filter where "playerName" is "%{_p}%"') Code: ... function importdatabasesyncuser(p...
  10. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread bossbar error

    I'm trying to make a bossbar, I have latest version of skript and skrayfall, I have this code create bossbar titled "&c&lCombat Log &e%{value::%UUID of attacker%}%" and id "combat_log::%UUID of attacker%" for attacker with progress 100 with colours red I've replced titled with with title, with...
  11. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Usage: message

    command /give <player> <text> <number>: usage: {@giveprefix} &7Befehl &8» &f/give%nl%{@giveprefix} &7Beschreibung &8» &fDieser Befehl ermöglicht es dir Kisten- und Adminitems zu geben.%nl%{@giveprefix} &7Verwendung &8» &f/give <spieler> <item> <anzahl> &8- &7Die Items, welche verfügbar sind...
  12. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread portals

    ok so all i wanna do is just make some portals when you step on a end portal frame... Posted by: nitayk from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  13. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Tons of console errors

    My server has been erroring out CONSTANTLY, but one of my biggest issues is the fact that variables aren't saving between sessions. Whenever I stop the server, I get the following error: "World unloaded" ? Posted by: honkchamp from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  14. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Skript Reflect

    Is there a skript reflect (or something similiar) that works for 1.20.1? Posted by: arin2115 from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  15. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Leaderboard Skript not working

    command /holoset [<text>]: permission: rank.admin trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/holoset <level>" else if arg-1 is "level": create new holo with line "&b&lLEVEL LEADERBOARD" and store in {lvl_lbs::*} send "&fCreated a new...
  16. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread I need help with permissions.

    When I try to make a command that ONLY the people with permissions can use, all ops can. which i dont want as im trying to make a command that only the permission can use. command /setgame <text>: permission: permission message: "no perms for u" trigger: set {_game} to...
  17. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread help /hide

    vb command /hide: trigger: if {hide::%uuid of player%} is not set: set {hide::%uuid of player%} to true set display name of player to "&khello" send action bar "&aYour now hidden" to player send message "&aYour now hidden" to player...
  18. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Chat Ping Message

    I have a custom staff chat Skript that I have made, but I want to make sure that if a staff member types in there, the person does not receive a notification saying their name was mentioned. Chat Ping Skript on chat: if {staffchat::toggle::%player's uuid%} or (metadata tag "vanished" of...
  19. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Event on command

    Here is my code on command "tempban playername 10d fly": cancel event This code makes, that when my anticheat executes command "tempban playername 10d fly" although I have permission for flying. So I decided to create this skript, but when anticheat executes that command "tempban TESTNAME 10d...
  20. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread How do i make this to everything over 1

    hello! how do i make this to everything over 1 Posted by: raskthetryhard from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here