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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Rent System

    Can someone help me with the rent system I'm currently working on? I can look and unlock the door as I want, but how can I do that just 1 Player can rent it? options: prefix: "&6&lHaus&7&o»" on join: set {gemietet::%player's uuid%} to false set {gemietet} to false on rightclick: if...
  2. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread NPC Creation using skript-packet

    I am trying to create fake players using packets. I'm using the packet Info[/i]Update] to create data for a player entity but it's not working past line 9. Can anyone who knows nms or just packets in general tell me how to use the packet properly? Server...
  3. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread SkBee plugin not loading Posted by: nuukyy from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  4. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Skript not setting scoreboard for all players

    Code: on join: while player is online: wait 10 ticks while {participatingall} is true: wait 3 ticks player's world is "minigame" {scoreboardtogglecmd} is true set {sortedindices::*} to sorted indices of {nxpoints::*} in...
  5. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread command distance

    Hello everybody! We really need a team that will be executed only next to other players within a radius of 5 blocks! Thanks! Posted by: kanne47 from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  6. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread How can I save items into nbt of an item?

    Hello! I'm trying to make a script that will add a backpack item that will keep it's contents saved in it's NBT. So how can I save multiple items into the NBT and then load it easily? Posted by: madpancake from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  7. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Flag claiming issue

    I cannot place or remove blocks with this skript, and /removeclaim says "<none>, <none Posted by: zdoot from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  8. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread chat tool tip

    Can somone write script for chat tool tip i don't know how to do that Posted by: ng5054 from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  9. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread can't understand this event

    I have a problem with the event on inventory slot change Posted by: workwolf from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  10. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread pvp command

    title Posted by: nitayk from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  11. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Erm how do i protect maps on item frames?

    There seems to be nothing in either skript documentation about map interaction events that doesnt require an obscure addon. Is there any way to protect maps with vanilla skript? Posted by: milk4lyfe from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  12. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread SCOREBOARD

    Hello so im trying to do a scoreboard but for some reason HEX colors dont work i dont know if im doing it wrong or not PLEASE HELP! Posted by: .dpool. from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  13. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread script diamond sims

    Hello, I don't know how to do it at all but I would like to know if it's possible to make a script that allows you to have a diamond above the player's head like in the sims this will allow you to display the teams players through icons. I told myself that this is possible thanks to armor stand...
  14. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread i need help im trying to get this defense skript to work however i dont know what to do from here...

    every 3 ticks: loop all players: set loop-player's scaled armor to 5 #makes everyones armor 5 armor visibly set {armor.%loop-player%} to loop-player's armor * 1 set {maxarmor.%loop-player%} to loop-player's max armor * 1 send action bar "&a❈...
  15. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Changing a player's nametag color with teams

    Hello I want to make a player's nametag color red as seen here, I've tried changing the color of the player's team but that has seem to do nothing Posted by: sexingher from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  16. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Custom Help Command

    I made this command a few days ago, but it seems to be very buggy and often not recognizing the key terms and often showing the else section even if there was a valid input. I am very new to Skript, so if anyone knows the fix, it would be greatly appreciated. on command "/help": if player...
  17. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread How to make a particles spawn from player's tool/ chest rather than feet.

    set {_v} to vector from player to target entity set vector length of {_v} to 0.1 set {_loc} to location of player set y of {_v} to 5 loop (distance between {_loc} and target entity) / 0.1 times: draw 1 dust_color_transition using...
  18. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread I need an upgrade gui

    I want to make a gui where player's have a few things they can upgrade like 3-5 times and gives them something. But I don't know how to make it, can someone help me? Posted by: koenderman from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  19. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Can't set location to a variable?

    Hello, I get this error executing my code: Line 5: {_loc} can only be set to one object, not more. It's strange, as exactly the same line of code worked outside of my function just fine. Do you know what's wrong with it? Here's my whole code. function safeTp(p: player, xmin: number, xmax...
  20. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Detecting item in inventory slot, regardless of amount

    How do you detect the item in an inventory slot, ignoring the quantity of the item? I have this example code to demonstrate the issue: on smelt: if the block's ore slot contains stone: send "Stone smelted!" to all players The item is only detected if there is 1 item. Any more...