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  1. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread helmet named condition

    hello im trying to crate a skript for if they are in the moon world they take damage cand cant mine some blocks unless they are waring a spesific helmet. The skript loads and no erros but a player can ware any helmet and they can still mine blocks and dont take damage. here is the stuff i...
  2. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Creating Custom Books

    I want to make a /guide command which would open a book to the player, without actually giving them a book item. Can somebody help me figure out how to do this? The docs have been no help. I'm just using Skript 2.7.0-beta3, but if it's impossible without a certain addon, please let me know...
  3. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Player is in sweet berries

    I just need to know if it's even possible to check if a player is in sweet berries because it's not even a block. If you find anything out please let me know. Posted by: gravity from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  4. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Is there any alternative for tablisknu for version 1.18.2?

    I'm making a mmo-rpg server and now I'm upgrading from 1.16.5 to 1.18.2, and my tablist stopped working and I want to get it back like it was before, is there any addon that I can replace tablisknu, it was the addon I used, without it in 1.18.2 it makes the server uglier. please ? Posted by...
  5. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread FunkySK

    Hi, I want to make custom music disc that will play in jukebox some custom song from /plugins/Music/MySong.nbs. I know I need to somehow store the song to NBT or name of disc, but I am lost with the jukebox part. When I insert it in jukebox, it plays the song from the vanilla disc. Overall I...
  6. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread why does QT not work but the others (Q and Sx) don't work?

    if {_n} contains "Q": replace all "Q" with "" in {_n} set {_c} to "%{_n}%" parsed as number set {_c} to {_c}*{_m} set {_n} to 0 set {_m} to {_m}*1000 if {_n} contains "Qt": replace all "Qt" with "" in {_n} set {_c} to "%{_n}%" parsed as...
  7. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread problem with skript-db

    Good morning, I have a problem with skript-db during a database update. The code : command /test2: trigger: set {_p} to player set {_id} to uuid of player broadcast {_p} broadcast {_id} execute "INSERT INTO players (name_player, id_player) VALUES...
  8. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread can someone help me? i

    i have a skript that works almost but the ability on it or the "beam" it works on both right and left click and i would like it to only work on "right click" and keep the damage skript there Posted by: 4icyy from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  9. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Why does it not teleport me to {_loc} when I have autoafk on?

    command /afktoggle: trigger: if {autoafk::%uuid of sender%} is not set: set {autoafk::%uuid of sender%} to true message "{@P} &7You have &cdisabled &7auto AFK." else if {autoafk::%uuid of sender%} is true: delete {autoafk::%uuid of...
  10. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Item Collector Gen server

    Hello, I've been trying to make an item collector for a gen server but i dont know how to go about it. So far this is what I have for the gui: on rightclick on barrel: cancel event set metadata tag "ic" of player to chest inventory with 10 rows named "&e&lItem Collector" set slot...
  11. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread How can i make it so it only sends the command once?

    Here is my code on load: set {_regionName} to "bottomtnt" every 2 seconds in world "world": if blocks in region {_regionName} are air: execute console command "/say The region is now empty!" else: execute console command "/say The region is filled with blocks!"...
  12. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Arclight setup

    I cannot seem to figure out how to get Arclight to work. Posted by: danny19990 from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  13. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread can someone help me with my portal teleporter

    i have already finished the whole script except for a small part each player can set 4 homes and these should be displayed in a gui if nothing is set it should somehow say that no home is set name of the item can e.g. no home is set and if a home is set, the item should be called the same as the...
  14. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Skript-Reflect Head Database

    I'm new to Skript-Reflect. I'm wondering how I can use the Head Database API to use head index placeholders from the head database to for example set a slot to a certain Head Database head. Posted by: theinchmaster from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  15. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Top 5 in GUI

    Hi, how can you put a top 5 list in a GUI in the lore of an item? And how do you make a top 5 gui with the heads of the players? Posted by: cupex_ from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  16. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Easier way to get custom player hedas in Skript?

    Is there an easier way to get heads other than what I was doing: I search for a head in, copy the nbt so it's like {SkullOwner:{Id:[I;X,Y,Z],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"XXXXXXXX"}]}}}, then when I need to get the head in skript I just use player head with nbt compound from...
  17. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread send "<command:/broadcast %now%>CLICK" not working

    This just breaks the text completely: Posted by: kittscloud from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  18. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread How to place banners

    Hi everybody! I try to place a banner crafted with a loom. The player has the banner in hand. The command: command /bann [<player>]: trigger: set block at location (7, -60, 86) to player's tool The banner is placed, but only with the base color (for example a red standing banner)...
  19. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Modded items in Skript

    I need to import some modded items syntax in Skript, specifically pixelmon items. I need for example to check if an itemstack is a pixelmon:silver_sword Does anyone have an idea on how to achieve that? Even with skript reflect Posted by: derewah from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on...
  20. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread How do I use a player's nickname when entering a command

    I want me to write a team and then write the player 's nickname after it . Example "/proverka Lagmaster" And then I could use console commands on the selected player.The player's nickname should work as a placeholder Posted by: mrlagmaster from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity...