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  1. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Baltop isnt looping my Balance variable

    i made a /baltop and on it shows no errors but in the game there is 1 its the one that says it cant loop my balance variable here is the code command /baltop: trigger: set {_sortedList::*} to sorted {bal::%{_u}%} loop {bal::%{_u}%}...
  2. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread My scoreboard isn't updating pls help.

    I've made a skript for a scoreboard, but for some reason only the block and kill counter are updating. Here is the skript: Posted by: koenderman from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  3. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread How could I give every player a seperate 10 minute timer?

    on load: set {AFK::Timer::Happening} to 10 minutes set {AFK::Timer::Formatted} to 600 on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "afktimer": set the result to "%{AFK::Timer::Happening::Formatted}%" every real second: if {AFK::Timer::Happening} is greater than 1...
  4. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread mob health indicator

    Hey i want to make like a mob boss on my server with health indicator with custom name and i got no clue how to do that Posted by: nitayk from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  5. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Custom Fishing

    I want to create custom fishing for my server. I have a few questions that would be nice to have answered! - Is this possible with vanilla Skript? (2.7.0-beta3) - If not, which plugins would I require? - If not possible with Skript at all, what kinds of Addons are good for custom fishing? From...
  6. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread %{@%arg-3%}% this doesn't work

    %{@%arg-3%}% I want to put arg-3 in options Posted by: rjsdndksla from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  7. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Custom Drops

    on death: if display name of victim is "&6&l&nBoss Level 1": cancel drops drop 1 %{customitems.BossKey}% at location of victim The code has an error with the drop line, however it works if %{customitems.BossKey}% is replaced with diamond. I have set %{customitems.BossKey}%...
  8. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread I dont understand how console doesnt have perms ;-;

    Posted by: wolfurian from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  9. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread book

    Hello. A long time ago i wanted to try making a skript where it shows the rules of the server in a book without giving the player the book. I was able to open the book but with an invalid book tag. I searched a long time and found a page (i think skriptlang) which told me that it is not possible...
  10. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread How do I make an Item Unstealable in GUI

    hi am trying to make this menu in skript using skript and SKquery currently I have written this. - The Skript Code (Can't paste because Discords Limit) It works, but the spawn and warp items doesn't work (has 2 errors) Could anyone help me fix this please...
  11. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread On right clicking if the player is holding more than 1 of the item it doesn't work

    options: P : &c&lAFK &8»&7 A : &8»&r AA : &8«&r on right click: if player is holding axolotl spawn egg named "<##ECB9D9>&lAFK BOOSTER": if player is in the region "afk": set {_r} to random number between 1 and 100 if {_r} > 95...
  12. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread When I click holding the item it only gives me a key every 2nd click, could someone explain why?

    on right click: if player is holding axolotl spawn egg named "<##ECB9D9>&lAFK BOOSTER": if player is in the region "afk": chance of 40%: console command "/crates key give %player% jungle_crate 1 -s" send title "{@A} &4&lJungle Key! &r{@AA}"...
  13. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread this is not work

    give enchanted book named "&6[name] &foptin" with lore "&6● &fnick." and "&6● &fdetail &e- use /option" to "%arg 2%" parsed as offlineplayer Posted by: rjsdndksla from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  14. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread HOW TO use --> "

    send "Unknown command. Type "/help" for help" it's not work Posted by: rjsdndksla from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  15. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Is between

    i do need help on my skript where if player has 100 points is sould send test1 but its just sending error and not going into if command /xyz: trigger: if {playerpoint::%player%} is between 0 and 199: send "test1" to player else of {playerpoint::%player%} is between 200 and...
  16. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Formatting time played

    I have it already formatted, but was wondering how I would change it. I want it so it works the following: If user's playtime < 1hr it shows minutes and sections, If user's playtime < 1day it shows hours and minutes If user's playtime How would I do this? My format code is below: py...
  17. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread baltop

    I'm attempting to create a baltop however I'm using skript-yaml to store the balance of players, along with RAM variables. Here's what I've got currently: function BalTop(currency: string) :: players: loop (indexes of {-data::*}): set {_value} to loop-value set...
  18. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Surround player in spherical particles

    Hi, I'm pretty bad at vectors and particles, so I need a little help with a skript I'm trying to make. I'm trying to surround someone in a circle of purple particles for a short while, how can I do this? Posted by: ethanovich from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  19. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread would anybody know how to code like a slash ability that does dmg

    To clarify- I am not asking for skript (you are welcome to tho lol ? ). Just need like an outline or an idea on how to code this. Im pretty new to item coding as I do more mob/GUI coding but yeah. Posted by: tokbo from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
  20. skUnity Discord

    Discord Thread Can't set velocity

    Can't set player's velocity to 0 says "the velocity of player can't be set to '0' because the latter is not a vector" Posted by: gravity from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here