Discord Thread Particle Sphere

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skUnity Discord

Site Manager
Aug 5, 2023
The skUnity Discord
heya, so I'm trying to make a radiation effect around a player if they're holding radioactive material, but rcurrently (as intentioned) the particles are spawned perfectly at the location of the blocks around the player.. Does anyone know if I can give them small random offset with Sovde's skript-particle addon (and it's syntax), as I can only find vectoral offsets for shapes in general

function radiation(l: location):
    loop all blocks in radius 3 around {_l}:
        add location of loop-value to {_locations::*}
    draw 1 of dust particle using dustOption(red, 1) at {_locations::*}

or an idea on how to optimize this, as it seems not very efficient

Posted by: duwp from the skUnity Discord. View the thread on skUnity Discord here
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