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  1. O

    anvil inventory item

    hello, I wanted to make a skript in which if I clicked with an object on an event block an anvil gui opened for me in which there was a piece of paper inside, but I can't do it. this is the skript: on rightclick on black glazed terracotta: if player's tool is a book named "&fCarta...
  2. Z

    Custom GUI Inventory not stopping to work?

    Hey! So I created a custom GUI on join of my server to display rules, you can either accept them or deny them, second one will lead to a kick. Now my problem: Even after I accepted the rules, the custom GUI still seems to be applying to my normal inventory, ender chests etc... it basically is...
  3. T

    Anvil renaming does not work on virtual inventory

    Script Version: 2.6.3 Minecraft Version: 1.19 Code: open anvil inventory to player
  4. sluhtie

    Custom Model Data GUI

    Hey, I'm looking for a way to create gui with custom model data to the player. Is that somehow possible?
  5. Jayden13O

    Solved skript-gui glowing stack

    I have been using skript-gui as it's a good gui addon and am trying to make a glowing stack of items inside a gui. Something like this: make gui 18 with 2 of glowing dirt named "&a&lCompressed Dirt" I tried this but it didn't work. Can anyone help me figure out how to do this? Edit: found out...
  6. H

    how do I delete a thread?

  7. N

    GUI not "exiting"

    I'm using vanilla skript, latest version apparently (idk how to check). When I make a gui it works and all, but when I exit using ESC, it kinda stays in the gui menu. I click anywhere in my inventory and it just instantly throws me in the gui. I cant click or whatnot, idk how to fix. Heres the...
  8. WeakBrainStorm

    Enchantments from variables in a gui

    im trying to make a gear upgrade gui. but i cant use variables to the enchantment set slot 0 of player's current inventory to iron sword of sharpness {%player%.sharpness} it dosent work... only if i type a number instead of the variable
  9. N

    How do I make a manage world gui per player

    I want to make a Skript gui where every players starts off where it says create server then they click it then they get teleported to a diffrent world which was just created and they can use the gui to manage that world but the gui can be different for every players and I can access everyone's...
  10. F

    format gui slot doesnt work

    I tried making a menu, and when i try to foram a gui slot, it shows an error. error: code: command /gui: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&4Parkour menu" to player format gui slot 0 of player with stone named "&6Easy parkour!" to run: send message "a" to...
  11. I


    Hi guys, I just created a new Minehut server for development with another person and currently I'm working on a shop skript, but apparently the command will just vanish if you add one line into the code: This code looks normal command /merchant: trigger: send "&8»&3Merchant at your...
  12. Hiddencode

    I have a question with enchanted books (I pay whoever helps solve it)

    Hi Skunity Guys, I've been trying to solve a problem with enchanted books for a long time, and I'm willing to pay whoever gets the hang of it. I'm doing a gui to enchant objects but I can't make the script detect if the player has a sharpness book in their inventory and then remove it and apply...
  13. Mjatt_

    Players name as variable

    Hey there, I'm relatively new to coding/skript and wanted to open an GUI when clicking on another player. So that would start with on right click on player bla bla bla. But i want the name of the GUI as the name of the player you clicked on. Could anyone help? I cannot figure it out. All help...
  14. KingDooms

    Vanilla GUI stealable glitch

    So there's a weird bug with vanilla GUIs where there's a way to take out items by SHIFTING + RIGHT CLICKING + CLOSING INVENTORY. I can't use TuSKe due to server problems, so is there any fix? command /test: permission: op trigger: open chest inventory with 3 rows named "§c§lTest" to...
  15. KingDooms

    Can't set durability on a item?

    So i'm trying to make a forge to be able to repair a pickaxe, but everything works except the durability, the durability doesn't change, giving no errors but the rest of the code works. Any help? command /forgegui: permission: op trigger: open chest with 3 rows named...
  16. C

    Solved Simple Gui not working

    command /menu: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "Menu" to player format slot 3 of player with book "format slot 3 of player with book" doesn't work. I have the plugins SkQuery and skRayFall
  17. C

    /prestige command help

    Script Version: 2.5.3 Script Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.16.4 Full Code: command /prestige: trigger: set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to {_prestige} if {_prestige} >= 10: if {_prestige} < 50: send "hi" set...
  18. D

    Script Vouchers! 1.0

    This Skript made by me is very useful! It allows you to create vouchers with the item you are holding and then edit the items you get by changing them in a GUI. You can also add commands that will execute when the player right clicks. Addons Needed (Pretty Sure): SkBee Usage...
  19. bajinzin

    Solved Help item to chat #------------------ # ChatItem # - Version 1.7.1 # - Created by D4isDAVID #------------------ # Dependencies: # - Minecraft 1.9+ # - Skript 2.5.3+ # - SkBee 1.10.1+ #------------------ # Config options: # itemName - how the item name will...
  20. SoPastel

    Function is not a text

    Skript Version: 2.6 Server Version: 1.8 When I try to load this skript it gives me the error: 'gui(p: player) is not a text' and I am not sure why. Code: function gui(p: player): wait 1 tick open chest with 3 rows named "&d&lTest Gui" to {_p}