/prestige command help

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Nov 14, 2020
  1. Script Version: 2.5.3
  2. Script Author: Bensku
  3. Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
  4. Full Code:

  5. Code:
    command /prestige:
            set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to {_prestige}
            if {_prestige} >= 10:
                if {_prestige} < 50:
                    send "hi"
                    set {rewardgens::%player's uuid%} to 12
                    set {rewardtokens::%player's uuid%} to 5750
                    set {rewardhoppers::%player's uuid%} to 25
                    set {rewardmulti::%player's uuid%} to .75
            else if {_prestige} < 10:
                send "hi"
                set {rewardgens::%player's uuid%} to 4
                set {rewardtokens::%player's uuid%} to 1250
                set {rewardhoppers::%player's uuid%} to 5
                set {rewardmulti::%player's uuid%} to .15
            set metadata tag "prestige" of player to chest inventory with 3 row named "&9&lPRESTIGE &7(&9%{prestige::%player's uuid%}%&7)"
            open (metadata tag "prestige" of player) to player
            set slot 0 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 1 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 2 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 3 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 4 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 5 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 6 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 7 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 8 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 9 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 10 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 11 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 12 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
            set slot 13 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to beacon named "&9&lPRESTIGE &8|" with lore "&8| &7Level 100 needed to prestige" and " " and "&8| &9&lREWARDS" and " " and "&8| &7Gen Cap &8>> &9%{rewardgens::%player's uuid%}%" and "&8| &7Tokens &8>> &9%{rewardtokens::%player's uuid%}%" and "&8| &7Hopper Cap &8>> &9%{rewardhoppers::%player's uuid%}%" and "&8| &7Multiplier &8>> &9%{rewardmulti::%player's uuid%}%

  6. the way the prestige variable is being set is by a skripted command that either set specified person(s) prestige or performers prestige to a certain amount

  7. Errors on Reload:
  8. None

  9. Console Errors:
  10. None

  11. Other Useful Info:

  12. This is using vanillaGUI and I want it to open a gui with a beacon formatted with specified variables as the lore.
    Whats not working:
    It doesn't detect if I'm under and or above the numbers

  13. Addons using (including versions):
  14. Skrayfall - 1.9.25
  15. Skbee - 1.11.12
  16. Tuske - 1.8.2
  17. Troubleshooting:

  18. Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
  19. Have you tried searching the Forums? Yes
  20. What other methods have you tried to fix it? Minehut discord, specified skript channel
Last edited:
you messed up at:
set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to {_prestige}
switch them

and short that down:
        set slot 0 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 1 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 2 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 3 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 4 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 5 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 6 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 7 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 8 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 9 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 10 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 11 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
set slot (integers from 0 to 11) of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
you messed up at:
set {prestige::%player's uuid%} to {_prestige}
switch them

and short that down:
        set slot 0 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 1 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 2 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 3 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 4 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 5 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 6 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 7 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 8 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 9 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 10 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
        set slot 11 of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
set slot (integers from 0 to 11) of metadata tag "prestige" of player to light gray stained glass pane named " "
The part about fixing the prestige still doesn't work. I know you had will help but it still doesn't work
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