Solved Help item to chat

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New Member
Aug 31, 2021

# ChatItem
# - Version 1.7.1
# - Created by D4isDAVID
# Dependencies:
# - Minecraft 1.9+
# - Skript 2.5.3+
# - SkBee 1.10.1+
# Config
    # itemName - how the item name will look like in chat. default: &8[&r{name}&r &7x{amount}&8]&r
    # {name} is the item name and {amount} is the amount of the item
    itemName: &f[&c@&6{name}&r]

on chat:
    set {_slotList::hand} to index of player's hotbar slot
    set {_keywordList::hand::*} to "[hand]", "[item]" and "[i]"
    set {_slotList::offhand} to 40
    set {_keywordList::offhand::*} to "[offhand]"
    set {_slotList::helmet} to 39
    set {_keywordList::helmet::*} to "[helmet]", "[helm]", "[cap]" and "[head]"
    set {_slotList::chestplate} to 38
    set {_keywordList::chestplate::*} to "[chestplate]", "[tunic]" and "[chest]"
    set {_slotList::leggings} to 37
    set {_keywordList::leggings::*} to "[leggings]", "[pants]" and "[legs]"
    set {_slotList::boots} to 36
    set {_keywordList::boots::*} to "[boots]", "[feet]"
    loop indices of {_keywordList::*}:
        loop {_keywordList::%loop-value%::*}:
            message contains loop-value-2
            add {_slotList::%loop-value-1%} to {_items::*}
            add loop-value-2 to {_keywords::*}
            exit 1 loop
    if size of {_keywords::*} > 0:
        cancel event
        set {_message} to message
        loop {_keywords::*}:
            loop indices of {_keywordList::*}:
                {_keywordList::%loop-value-2%::*} contains loop-value-1
                loop {_keywordList::%loop-value-2%::*}:
                    loop-value-3 is not loop-value-1
                    replace all loop-value-3 with "" in {_message}
            set {_messages::*} to {_message} split at "%loop-value%"
            set {_temp} to {_messages::1}
            delete {_messages::1}
            set {_message} to "%{_temp}%%loop-value%%join {_messages::*} with """"%"
            replace all loop-value with "{CIplaceholder}:{%loop-index%}:{CIplaceholder}" in {_message}
        set {_messages::*} to {_message} split at "{CIplaceholder}"
        loop {_messages::*}:
            set {_messages::%loop-index%} to a new text component of "%loop-value%"
            "%loop-value%" is ":{1}:", ":{2}:", ":{3}:", ":{4}:", ":{5}:" or ":{6}:"
            set {_itemIndex} to subtext of "%loop-value%" from characters 3 to 3
            set {_itemIndexes::%{_itemIndex}%} to loop-index
        loop {_items::*}:
            delete {_name}
            set {_item} to loop-value
            if {_item} is a number:
                set {_item} to slot {_item} of player's inventory
            if {_item} is not set:
                set {_messages::%{_itemIndexes::%loop-index%}%} to a new text component of "%{_keywords::%loop-index%}%"
            else if {_item} is not air:
                set {_name} to name of {_item}
                if {_name} is not set:
                    set {_name} to a new translate component from {_item}
                set {_amount} to amount of {_item} in player's inventory
                set {_itemName} to "{@itemName}"
                replace "{name}" with "%{_name}%"  in {_itemName}
                replace "{amount}" with "%{_amount}%" in {_itemName}
                set {_itemName} to a new text component of "%{_itemName}%"
                set hover event of {_itemName} to a new hover event showing {_item}
                set {_messages::%{_itemIndexes::%loop-index%}%} to {_itemName}
                set {_messages::%{_itemIndexes::%loop-index%}%} to a new text component of "%{_keywords::%loop-index%}%"
        set {_messageFormat::*} to message format split at "[message]"
        replace "[player]" with player's display name in {_messageFormat::1}
        if message format contains message:
            set {_messageFormat::*} to message format split at message
        set {_temp} to a new text component of "%{_messageFormat::1}%"
        delete {_messageFormat::1}
        loop all players:
            send components {_temp}, {_messages::*} and {_messageFormat::*} to loop-player
        send components {_temp}, {_messages::*} and {_messageFormat::*} to console


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