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  1. W

    Minecraft Item Id *multiple* is not valid.

    I have a skript that essentially teleport users to the nether from the over-world safely in order to get perfect portal placement. There's a brief countdown then the player is teleported, then a small bubble is created around them in order to protect them from lava and other dangers. I've had it...
  2. W

    Solved the latter is not an item type

    code: every 1 second in world "world": if {startTemple} is true: set {startTemple} to false message "A game on map temple is going to start in 30 seconds! join with /join temple" wait 10 seconds message "A game on map temple is going to start in 20 seconds! join...
  3. M

    Solved This is error??

    on inventory close: if player's helmet is set: ... if player's chestplate is set: ... if player's leggings is set: ... if player's boots is set: message "D" <-- test ... I only equip a helmet, and when I close the...
  4. sOxTw

    [Error] Can't be added to an inventory

    Hello, as I think you have already noticed, I need to randomly add items between two values, the problem is the error I get. Skript: options: # Diamond SinEncantar-Diamante: 1 FortunaI-Diamante: 1 and 2 FortunaII-Diamante: none FortunaIII-Diamante: none # Event on mine...
  5. F

    Force respawn player (Error)

  6. L

    Player's Balance Error HELP!

    Skript Version: Skript v2.2-dev27 Skript Author: Skript created by & ® Peter G³ttinger aka Njol Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 --- Full Code: command /§MaqStoneBuy: trigger: set {_Money.%player%} to player's balance if player's balance is more or...
  7. Skaya

    Skungee help, Console Spam?

    Hi, if I try to connect my Hexacord with my 1.8 Server in combination with Skungee it spams in my Consol. On the Server and on the Proxy: 20:38:27 [INFO] §8[§cSkungee§8] §eConnected to server [SERVER1] with port 41575 20:38:27 [INFO] §8[§cSkungee§8] §eConnected to server [SERVER2] with port...
  8. Scholler

    Solved Skript problem

    Hello! I have a 1.12.2 spigot server, and my version of Skript is 2.2-dev37c. So the question is, what's wrong with this code: command /radio <arguments>: ... So this <arguments> is not working, it says "Unknown type: <arguments>" or something like that. I tried to install Skript 2.2...
  9. J

    Skript Config File

    I have a problem with my plugin this is the code: on load: - if folder "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel" doesn't exists: - create folder "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel" if file "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel/config.yml" doesn't exists: - wait 1 tick - create file...
  10. Duetro

    Skript "Variable save thread" error

    [14:40:50] [Skript variable save thread/ERROR]: #!#! [14:40:50] [Skript variable save thread/ERROR]: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error: [14:40:50] [Skript variable save thread/ERROR]: #!#! Exception in thread Skript variable save thread [14:40:50] [Skript variable save thread/ERROR]: #!#! [14:40:50]...
  11. Aidanete

    My play sound effect don't work and don't show log errors

    I put an effect to play a sound but it doesn't work, there are no log errors for this. play sound "entity_generic_eat" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at event-location for event-player Please, help
  12. Aidanete

    Feed effect don't work

    Hello, I'm doing a script but it doesn't work properly because of this line of code, it is supposed to feed the player and is practically the same in the skript documentation in this page: on rightclick: player is holding a raw...
  13. M

    Solved Please Help Me :(

    command /hanimsopamigetir: permission: sopa.getir trigger: give a stick named "Haydar" with lore "Bağımlılık yapar" to player on damage: if attacker is a player: if victim is a player: if attacker's tool is stick: if attacker's tool's...
  14. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Can't understand condition/effect

    To start off, I am not too advanced in doing a lot of big skripting but I've been trying to practice them. I've been trying to make a perk skript with this code: on damage of a player: if attacker is a player: if {ragemeter:%attacker%} is 1 if {rage:%attacker%} is 1...
  15. B

    Error with Region "Warzone" or Something

    The Code: on right click: player is holding a torch named "&r&lSuministro Epico &6(Click-Derecho)" with lore "&7Click-Derecho para invocar un Suministro Epico": if wg region at player is "Warzone": set {_loc} to the location at player set {_block} to yellow...
  16. Runakai

    Solved Umbaska and TuSKe error

    Hello, me again. When i was restarting my server i got some errors from Umbaska and TuSKe. I don't know if this is the correct thread so: I am sorry if its not! [19:39:11 INFO]: [Umbaska] Enabling Umbaska v3.3 [19:39:11 INFO]: [Umbaska] The config...
  17. J


    Hello guys... So just before, i made a skript... there were some errors, so i added some plugins.... After i added them, i couldn't reload my skript, because when i typed in /sk reload cookie it just said: [Skript] Reloading An internal error occurred while attempting to perform...
  18. MisterBasic

    Solved Using Random Letters...

    When i go to use my code, it causes tons of errors in the console. Error here Function Usage: randomString("a|b|c|d|e|f") Outputs Random character that is defined, which could be a, b, c, d, e, f function randomString(char: text) :: text: set {_characters::*} to {_char} split at "|"...
  19. D


    CODE: on right click: if player is holding diamond sword named "&aMinigames": open chest named "&aMinigames" with 3 rows to player ERROR: 'chest' named "&aMinigames" with 3 rows to player is not an entity type bump
  20. V

    tuske skript errors

    So i writed a Tuske gui skript but i am getting the error : Can't understand this condition/effect full error link: here code: here