I using a latest version of the minecraft skript plugin and I have got a problem with....
I usig some addons, but I not thing it's that.
This is CODE in file core.sk:
Mistake is on line 24.
Please help.
And thank you for all answers.
- Ardno
I using a latest version of the minecraft skript plugin and I have got a problem with....
There's no loop that matches 'loop-player has not permission "vanish2.sk" '
I usig some addons, but I not thing it's that.
This is CODE in file core.sk:
command /vanishsk:
if player has permission "vanish.sk":
if {vanish.sk.%player%} is true:
reveal player from all players
set {vanish.sk.%player%} to false
send player title "&c&lNejsi &7&lvanish" with subtitle "&8ostatní tě uvidí"
message "&2[&a&l+&2] &a%player%" to all players
stop trigger
hide player from all players
set {vanish.sk.%player%} to true
send player title "&a&lJsi &7&lvanish" with subtitle "&8nikdo tě neuvidí"
message "&4[&c&l-&4] &c%player%" to all players
stop trigger
else if player has permission "vanish2.sk":
if {vanish.sk.%player%} is true:
reveal player from all players
set {vanish.sk.%player%} to false
send player title "&c&lNejsi &7&lvanish" with subtitle "&8ostatní tě uvidí"
message "&2[&a&l+&2] &a%player%" to all players
loop all players:
loop-player has not permission "vanish.sk":
hide player from all loop-player
set {vanish.sk.%player%} to true
send player title "&a&lJsi &7&lvanish" with subtitle "&8nikdo tě neuvidí"
message "&4[&c&l-&4] &c%player%" to all players
Mistake is on line 24.
Please help.
And thank you for all answers.
- Ardno