I have a problem with my plugin this is the code:
on load:
- if folder "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel" doesn't exists:
- create folder "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel"
if file "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel/config.yml" doesn't exists:
- wait 1 tick
- create file "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel/config.yml"
This are the errors:
[09:33:17 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this condition: 'folder "plugins/Aut
oAfkHypixel" doesn't exists' (Duels.sk, line 19: if folder "plugins/AutoAfkHypix
el" doesn't exists:')
[09:33:17 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this condition: 'file "plugins/AutoA
fkHypixel/config.yml" doesn't exists' (Duels.sk, line 22: if file "plugins/AutoA
fkHypixel/config.yml" doesn't exists:')
[09:33:22 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't compare a damage cause with a types.art (UzuMai
n.sk, line 138: if damage cause is void:')
[09:33:24 INFO]: [Skript] Loaded 2 scripts with a total of 37 triggers and 11 co
mmands in 7.04 seconds
This are my plugins:
Plugins (23): WorldEdit, PerWorldTabList, Skript, Essentials, E
ssentialsChat, VoidWorld, PermissionsEx, PerWorldPlugins, PlugMan, SkQuery, ViaV
ersion, Vault, xInventories, Multiverse-Core, ProtocolLib, WorldGuard, Citizens,
skRayFall, ProtectionStones, HideAndCustomPlugins, Skellett, Umbaska, TuSKe
How can i make a config file, please help my, then you are the best!
on load:
- if folder "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel" doesn't exists:
- create folder "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel"
if file "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel/config.yml" doesn't exists:
- wait 1 tick
- create file "plugins/AutoAfkHypixel/config.yml"
This are the errors:
[09:33:17 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this condition: 'folder "plugins/Aut
oAfkHypixel" doesn't exists' (Duels.sk, line 19: if folder "plugins/AutoAfkHypix
el" doesn't exists:')
[09:33:17 ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this condition: 'file "plugins/AutoA
fkHypixel/config.yml" doesn't exists' (Duels.sk, line 22: if file "plugins/AutoA
fkHypixel/config.yml" doesn't exists:')
[09:33:22 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't compare a damage cause with a types.art (UzuMai
n.sk, line 138: if damage cause is void:')
[09:33:24 INFO]: [Skript] Loaded 2 scripts with a total of 37 triggers and 11 co
mmands in 7.04 seconds
This are my plugins:
Plugins (23): WorldEdit, PerWorldTabList, Skript, Essentials, E
ssentialsChat, VoidWorld, PermissionsEx, PerWorldPlugins, PlugMan, SkQuery, ViaV
ersion, Vault, xInventories, Multiverse-Core, ProtocolLib, WorldGuard, Citizens,
skRayFall, ProtectionStones, HideAndCustomPlugins, Skellett, Umbaska, TuSKe
How can i make a config file, please help my, then you are the best!