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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. cheatchki

    Script BungeePEX 1.0

    Requirements: - skript - MundoSK - SKUtilities - PermissionEX Features: - Ability to send PermissionEx commands over your bungee server - Set Certain ranks to be bungee wide - config is seperate from skript, and can be found in the PermissionEx folder (Or if specified in a different...
  2. Byteeely

    BungeeCord in Skript help

    Hey, may someone explain me the differences between BungeeCord-skript and general skript? The most important lines. :emoji_slight_smile: thx
  3. FUZIK

    Solved SkellettProxy

    command:command servers: trigger: loop all bungeecord servers: broadcast "%loop-value%: %network variable {server.status.%loop-value%}%" error:>servers [18:19:38 INFO]: [Skellett] Incorrect SkellettProxy details, No socket found or was denied access. For socket at...
  4. Adrihun

    Solved Stylish scoreboards 50mb

    So I'm trying to make A scoreboard animation with skelett scoreboard. on join: player has permission "scoreboarddzz.use" wait 1 second while player is online: set title of stylish scoreboard "test-%player%" to "&dLol" if player is not online: stop...
  5. Adrihun

    Solved Need help with Scoreboards

    I can't make Scoreboards work. This is my code: on join: createBoard(player, "KITBOARD", 15) set title of stylish scoreboard "KITBOARD-%player%" to " &a&lKITPVP " set stylish scoreboard of player to "KITBOARD-%player%" updateBoard(player) function updateBoard(p: player)...
  6. LimeGlass

    Addon Skungee - The proxy addon for Skript 2.0.0-BETA-5

    Artwork provided by LuisaDraws (https://luisadraws.com) Skungee is a proxy Skript addon that gives you full control over the entire proxy, it's that simple. Report your bugs here: https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee/issues 2.0.0: https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee-2.0.0/issues Interested in...