
  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. C

    Homes GUI (Advanced Skripters ONLY)

    Category: Homes Gui Suggested name: VirtualHomes What I want: I want a homes gui that would open up a gui like the picture provided, and when you click on one of the dyes itll create a home that you can teleport to on right click, and rename on right click. And also with a delete home gui...
  2. K

    Config MySQL - MySQLWorkbench

    Hello. I am trying to setup a database between two servers for Skript, and I believe I have set it up correctly. However, now im testing it, it seems to not update an variable on the 2nd server, when changed on the 1st server. I got advised to go and check if the tables in the database were...
  3. K

    Config MySQL - MySQLWorkbench

    Hello. I am trying to setup a database between two servers for Skript, and I believe I have set it up correctly. However, now im testing it, it seems to not update an variable on the 2nd server, when changed on the 1st server. I got advised to go and check if the tables in the database were...
  4. P

    advanced looting system

    Hey, I'm trying to randomize the list but I'm failing to do so. Can you help me? on load: delete {ore.loot.list::*} add 2 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*} add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*} add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*} add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}...
  5. A

    Help me please

    Can the achievement message be modified?
  6. Aidanete

    Solved Umbaska can't understand this condition/effect

    Hello, I tried to make an advanced tab footer and didn't worked set advanced footer to "<light red><bold>You're playing currently on <yellow><bold>*****<lime>|| <indigo>Summer sale in ranks <gold><bold>50%%" for player Error: can't understand this condition effect "set advanced footer..." Skript...
  7. Ayham Alali

    Script ♦ Advanced Player Info ♦ - [GUI] [UUID] [+4000 Placeholders] [1.8»1.12.2] 1.4.4

    ★ Free Version ★ [!] THIS RESOURCE IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE UNLESS THERE IS A BUG/GLITCH [!] You can download the files for free from Github [!] ★ Read the whole page before purchasing ★ Join our Discord for support Advanced Player Info: is an advanced player information plugin...
  8. Ayham Alali

    Script ♦ Animated Blocks Plus ♦ Make your server become alive [Config] [1.8 - 1.12] [OPEN SOURCE] 1.2.1

    Read the whole page before purchasing Join our Discord for support [!] This script can be downloaded from Github [!] Animated Blocks Plus: is a Custom Skript made by Ayham Alali, and he decided to share it with you :emoji_slight_smile: Why Plus? Well, Take a look at Features...
  9. A

    player inventory

    how to store every item in player inventory (including its nbt, lore, name) to variables or mysql?
  10. EWS

    Script skBackpacks NBT | A better way to store your stuff! 3.3 release

    skBackpacks [insert a wonderful logo here] ABOUT: This script allows you to store your items in a non-virtual backpack! It's great for hardcore servers that just want to give player's more slots, but without making them unstealable! Every backpack can be traded, stole and sold! FEATURES: •...
  11. Ayham Alali

    Script Advanced Double Jump [Custom] [UUID Support] 1.0

    Join our Discord for support Advanced DoubleJump: is a Custom & Advanced Skript made by Ayham Alali for his server (OPG4MERS), and he decided to share it with you, so you can use it too :emoji_slight_smile: Why Advanced? Well take a look at Features section :emoji_slight_smile: Full...
  12. Ayham Alali

    Script Advanced LaunchPads [Custom] 1.4.2

    Join our Discord for support Advanced LaunchPads: is a Custom & Advanced Skript made by Ayham Alali for his server (OPG4MERS), and he decided to share it with you, so you can use it too :emoji_slight_smile: Why Advanced? Well take a look at Features section :emoji_slight_smile: You can...