- Contributors
- Designer & Developer: Ayham Alali
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
★ Free Version ★
You can download the files for free from Github
You can download the files for free from Github
★ Read the whole page before purchasing ★
Join our Discord for support

- Advanced Player Info: is an advanced player information plugin that gives you a lot of info about a specific player. Just like big servers and how they spy on players.
- Just a quick example..

- 100% customizable (Messages, GUI, config, placeholders ...)
- Contains 4 yml files (config.yml, gui.yml, placeholders.yml, holograms.yml)
- PlaceholderAPI support (NEW v1.3.2) (NOTE: you must set PlaceholderAPI to true in Skellett's config to let Skellett parse the placeholders)
- Lagless
- Easy to use and to configurate.
- Light weight
- Ability to show player's info with GUI and with live holograms. (v1.4)
- Ability to change everything in holograms.yml
- Ability to Add/Remove/Set lines of holograms in-game
- Ability to control the holograms refresh interval. (1.4.4)
- Modern design
- Exempt permissions and Bypass permissions too.
- Ability to reset some local data of any player
- Ability to move up & down holograms with commands and clicks and edit them with ease.
- Support UUID
- It has more than 60 placeholder + PlaceholderAPI placeholders
- Sounds when opening the GUI and when editing the Inventory & Ender chest.
- You can edit the whole GUI (ID, name, lore, enchanted?, slot)
- Random color feature "[RC]" (a custom variable that shows the messages with a different color every time)
- [player-location]
- [player-ping]
- [player-gamemode]
- [player-flying]
- [player-currenttool-lore]
- [player-armor-lore], [player-chestplate-lore] [player-leggings-lore] [player-boots-lore]
- [player-world]
- [player-uuid]
- [player-xp]
- [player] (name)
- [player-lastkill-victim] [player-lastkill-date] [player-lastkill-loc] [player-lastkill-world]
- [player-lastdeath-killer], [player-lastdeath-date], [player-lastdeath-loc], [player-lastdeath-world]
- [player-lastchat-msg], [player-lastchat-date], [player-lastchat-loc], [player-lastcha-worldt]
- [player-lastblockplace-block], [player-lastblockplace-date], [player-lastblockplace-loc], [player-lastblockplace-world]
- [player-lastblockbreak-block], [player-lastblockbreak-date], [player-lastblockbreak-loc], [player-lastblockbreak-world]
- [player-op]
- [player-ip]
- [player-displayname]
- [player-onlinetime]
- [player-chatcount]
- [player-cmdcount]
- [player-joincount]
- [player-quitcount]
- [player-jumpcount] (REMOVED in 1.2.1+)
- [player-pickupcount]
- [player-dropcount]
- [player-mobkillcount]
- [player-breakcount]
- [player-placecount]
- [player-sprintcount]
- [player-sneakcount]
- [player-craftcount]
- [player-potions]
- [player-money]
- [player-killcause]
- [player-deathcause]
- [player-name] (v1.4)
- [rc] (random color)
- last cmd
- last chat
- last block (break/place)
- last kill
- last death
- current tool
- armor
- inventory (with hotbar slots)
- location
- gamemode
- flying state
- world
- xp
- health
- food
- ping
- uuid
- displayname
- onlinesince
- ip
- op
- active potions
- Counts how many times the player has made thse actions :
- chat
- cmd
- join
- quit
- jump
- sprint
- sneak
- pickup
- drop
- mobkill
- break
- place
- craft
- quick inventory edit
- quick ender chest edit
- Must work with 1.8 - 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11 - 1.12 (1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11 - 1.12 not tested yet)
- UpdateChecker.

- Skript 2.2-DEV23 for 1.8 | 2.2-DEV34+ for 1.9+ HERE (This is the version that I use 2.2-DEV23, for more versions HERE)
- SkQuery or SkQueryLime HERE (I use v3.22.1 but skQuery website is no longer online so this is my version)
- SkUtilites HERE
- Skellett HERE
- PlaceholderAPI HERE (optional) (NOTE: you must set PlaceholderAPI to true in Skellett's config to let Skellett parse the placeholders)
- Any Permission plugin (PermissionsEx ...)
- This is a copy of the addons that I use on my test server (1.8.8): HERE
- How to install:
- Download all requirements and put them in the /plugins folder
- Reload/start the server to let Skript folder generate
- Put AdvancedPlayerInfo.sk file in "plugins/Skript/scripts"
- Restart the server or execute /sk reload AdvancedPlayerInfo
- Execute /pi help and have fun
- How to update:
- Download the new update
- Upload it to your server
- Execute /pi *preload to reload the plugin
- Done
- How to update:

- Green = Done, Orange = Working, Red = Gonna work on it
- Give me your suggestions
- IP
- OP
- displayname
- onlinetime
- Counts:
- chat
- cmd
- join
- quit
- jump
- sneak
- sprint
- drop
- pickup
- mobkill
- break
- place
- craft
- potions
- PlaceholderAPI support
- New GUI style
- UUID support
- Exempt bypass
- Advanced info with Holograms
- Advanced Info in chat

- If you want to make one, PM me or send the link to me on Discord (https://discord.gg/uHTVQPD)

- I'm trying hard to earn money to run my server (OPG4MERS) again, So if you want to help me by donating that would be cool, And don't forget to send me your IGN because i will give you "Supporter" rank in my server
- Donate here: paypal.me
- If you have anything else you can donate i will be Thankful to you
- I'm trying hard to earn money to run my server (OPG4MERS) again, So if you want to help me by donating that would be cool, And don't forget to send me your IGN because i will give you "Supporter" rank in my server

- If I forgot something please do not make a bad/low review/rating, Just pm me

- You can't upload this resource anywhere else.
- You can't sell this resource or give it to anyone for free or for money.
- You can't edit the plugin and upload it as yours.
- You don't have any permission to do anything with the plugin except to use it on your own server/network (for own use only).
- You can only use it on 1 server, if you need to use it on another server PM me (PM me only if you want to use it on 1 more server only).
- If anyone tried to break the terms I will remove him/her from the buyers and report him/her to SpigotMC/MC-Market/SkUnity staff.
- Thank you for Purchasing my script.
- To keep me motivated and keep updating this project and make it more creative just leave a good review or donate HERE.
- Have fun