Hey, I'm trying to randomize the list but I'm failing to do so. Can you help me?
Its mixing them i want it so some chests have one another second one.
on load:
delete {ore.loot.list::*}
add 2 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 iron ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 diamond to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 diamond to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 2 gold ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 gold ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
add 1 gold ingot to {ore.loot.list::*}
on load:
delete {misc.loot.list::*}
add 2 oak planks to {misc.loot.list::*}
add 1 oak planks to {misc.loot.list::*}
add 2 cobblestone to {misc.loot.list::*}
add 1 cobblestone to {misc.loot.list::*}
add 2 string to {misc.loot.list::*}
add 5 string to {misc.loot.list::*}
add 7 string to {misc.loot.list::*}
add 1 string to {misc.loot.list::*}
on load:
delete {random.loot.list::*}
add {misc.loot.list::*} to {random.loot.list::*}
add {ore.loot.list::*} to {random.loot.list::*}
command /refill:
loop blocks in radius 3 around {loc}:
if loop-block is a chest:
clear loop-block's inventory
set {_item} to a random number between 1 and 20
loop {_item} times:
set {_randomitem} to random element out of {random.loot.list::*}
set {_slot} to random integer between 0 and 26
set slot {_slot} of loop-block's inventory to {_randomitem}
command /loc:
set {loc} to player's position