SkQuery [1.13-1.21+]

Addon SkQuery [1.13-1.21+] 4.2.0

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Updated to Skript 2.10.0. Older versions still supported.
  • Removed entities within chunks. Been in Skript since 2.5.
  • Removed arrow knockback. Been in Skript since 2.5.1
  • Removed flight mode. Now in Skript.
  • Removed exploded blocks. Now in Skript 2.8.6
  • Removed selected hotbar slot. Now in Skript.
  • Removed colored potion expression. Use new aliases.
  • Removed regain reason. Now in Skript.
  • Removed values. Now in Skript 2.7.
  • Removed max minecart speed. Now in Skript 2.5.1
  • Removed new line. Now in Skript.
  • Removed max itemstack stack. Now in Skript 2.1
  • Removed stop server. Now in Skript.
- Changed how the health scale works, to not be doubling the value anymore. (Closes
- The `@noupdate::` block set effect was not registering, most likely due to the new markers in newer Skript versions. Added `set %blocks% to %itemtypes% with no [block] update` to allow this syntax to work again. (Closes
- Fixed an issue collecting the ParserInstance in newer Skript versions. (Closes
- Removed the pathfinding syntax. It's in vanilla Skript now.
- Updates to latest Spigot 1.19.4 and Skript 2.7.0-beta2
- Removes moon phase expression. It's in Skript now.
Fixed a bug where if the provided world border was null, it would error, also updated library and latest 1.19.3
Updated to latest Skript 2.6.3
Updated to Spigot 1.19
Updated all libraries; Skript 2.6.1, Minecraft 1.18.1 and Shadow gradle.
Removed new uuid expression as it's in Skript now.
Fixed a debug error happening with the world border size expression.

Due to how Skript is removing versions equal and older than 1.12 and Mojang requiring latest Java versions. Backwards support for older versions is getting harder and harder, so the following will now apply;

Latest 4.1.6+ version only works with Skript 2.6.1+ and was compiled in Java 17 (MC 1.13+). If you're running 1.9-1.12 use SkQuery version 4.1.4. If you're running 1.13+ and have Java 17 use this version, if you are still using anything between Java 11 and Java 16 use version 4.1.5 or upgrade to Java 17. Click "Version History" tab to view older versions.
This release only works with Skript 2.6+

- Updated to Skript 2.6-alpha1. Please make any bug reports regarding Skript in the SkriptLang issue tracker at
- Updated to 1.16.5

- Removed health gain reason. It's in Skript now.
- Removed server list ping expressions. They're in Skript now.
- Removed recipes, SkQuery never had a good implementation of them.
- Fully removed custom syntax things. List here
  • Removed custom events, expressions, property expression, and functions. These features were experimental and you should be using Skript's built in functions over SkQuery's implementation.
  • Bandage patch for recipes throwing a deprecated warning. I would highly suggest using another addon that handles recipes better over SkQuery. I will not be remaking the recipe system in SkQuery at this time.
  • Added a new syntax to force sleeping at a bed location (make|force) %player% [to] sleep at %location%
  • Recoded the item projectile syntax
  • Item projectile syntax now allows for multiple entities to fire at the same time.
  • Adapted the item projectile system to use ItemType over ItemStack. This may improve correct aliases lookup in older versions of Skript and/or Minecraft versions.
  • Updated some libraries

Please post bug reports at
  • Like
Reactions: Diclo
- Fixed a bug where initialization of a class from some unknown library the user had, would cause SkQuery to not load. (#49 Thanks Qfrijters)
- Fixed a bug where SkQuery was checking a nulled value about MySQL credentials. (#47 Thanks Creaous)

Report bugs at
- Updated the midi player to have the new 1.14.2 noteblock sounds.
- Fixed a bug on 1.12 that caused falling blocks to not work properly. (#25 Thanks Govindass)
- Updated to 1.15.2.
- Fixed some world border syntax, and also adjusted the stop midi effect to allow multiple entries.